Present Simple


* Uses. * Conjugation & Spelling. * Word order of sentences. * Negative contractions. * Negative sentences. * Word order of negative sentences. * Questions in the present tense. * Word order of questions with "Do" and "Does". * Short answers with "Do" and "Does".
Laetitia mn
Flashcards by Laetitia mn, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by K H over 5 years ago
Copied by a deleted user about 4 years ago
Copied by a deleted user about 4 years ago
Laetitia mn
Copied by Laetitia mn about 4 years ago
Laetitia mn
Copied by Laetitia mn almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
USE Present Simple * Acciones rutinarias, habituales- Ex: we do our homework every week. * Hechos observables ( facts)- Ex: It's sunny. I'm hot.
AFFIRMATIVE Subject + Verb * I read a book. * They have breakfast.. * We do our homework
AFFIRMATIVE he -she -it Subject + Verb S / ES / IES * He watches TV. * María walks the dog. *John studies French.
AFFIRMATIVE he -she -it + VERB "S" TERMINACIONES DEL VERBO * -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, or -Z agrega -ES HE WATCHES TV (watch)/ * Consonante + Y, sacar Y para agregar -IES. SHE STUDIES (study) * En general, agregar -S. IT PLAYS (play)
NEGATIVE Auxiliars DON'T / DOESN'T Subject + don't/doesn't + Verb ... * We don't get up at 6 o'clock. *My dog doesn't run fast. DON'T- sujeto I/you /we/ they DOESN'T- sujeto he / she / it
NEGATIVE Examples / ejemplos
QUESTIONS Auxiliars DO / DOES Do / Does + Subject + Verb.... Do you speak English? Does my dog run fast? DO- sujeto I/you /we/ they DOES- sujeto he / she / it
QUESTIONS Short answers YES / NO * Do you speak English? Yes, I do?/ No, I don't? * Does she watch TV ? Yes, she does? /No, she doesn't?
QUESTIONS WH- WHERE Dónde / WHEN Cuándo, etc WH- + auxiliar + subject + verb....? * Where do you go on holidays? I go to Bariloche. * When does she play video games? She plays video games at night.
QUESTIONS Examples / ejemplos
Frequency ADVERBS
Frequency ADVERBS Position / Ubicación * Antes del verbo (Affirmative) We SOMETIMES do our homework online. * Entre el auxiliar y el verbo (Negative) We don't USUALLY order pizza. * Después del verbo TO BE/ CAN You are ALWAYS late.
Frequency ADVERBS Examples / ejemplos Present Simple
Review/ Repaso
¿ Siempre usamos auxiliares para interrogar y negar en PRESENTE SIMPLE? TO BE / CAN / HAVE GOT no admiten AUXILIARES para interrogar y negar. * Can you ride a bike? No, I can't. * You aren't my friend. * Have you got a car? Yes, I have.
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