From Brown Girl Dreamimg


6th grades.
Leopoldo Lopez Castañeda
Flashcards by Leopoldo Lopez Castañeda, updated more than 1 year ago
Leopoldo Lopez Castañeda
Created by Leopoldo Lopez Castañeda over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the author´s name? Jacqueline Woodson
What´s the name of the reading? From Brown girl dreaming.
Mention the first 3 words from the concept vocabulary. squish, humming, twist.
Where was Jacqueline Woodson living before? In Greenville, South Carolina.
Say something about the section. Brooklyn rain. She was bored, sad, in her house...
Mention one more section of the reading. another way, wishes, gifted, uncle Robert...
In what section she seems to miss her father? Sometimes.
In "Brooklyn rain" what does Mama says? "Stay inside today. its raining"
In "gifted," what does the poet hopes she will do with words? She hopes she could catch and control the words.
Mention 3 of the concept vocabulary words. squish, feathery, twist...
What are the words that are used in first-person point of view? I, ME, MINE, MY, MYSELF.
How many stanzas contain the poem wishes? 1.
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