Types of physics


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Flashcards by LUIS JACOB ORTEGA HERNANDEZ, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by LUIS JACOB ORTEGA HERNANDEZ about 4 years ago

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science that studies the structure of matter and the interactions between the fundamental constituents of the universe and the nature of the earth.
It is the study and analysis of the movement and rest of bodies, as their temporal evolution under the action of one or more forces. Also of interest are the dynamics of physical systems, such as electromagnetic fields or particle systems.
kinematics only studies the movement itself, unlike dynamics that studies the interactions that produce it.
DYNAMICS It is a branch of physics that studies the relationship between the forces that act on a body and the effects that will occur on the movement of bodies.
It is the one that studies the behavior of subatomic particles and the phenomena that occur between matter and energy at that scale.
Study and unify electrical and magnetic phenomena in a single theory. Describing the interaction of charged particles with electric and magnetic fields.
studies matter on very small scales: at the molecular, atomic and even smaller level and with its interactions with electromagnetic radiation
ACUSTIC PHYSICS Study mechanical waves that propagate through matter by means of physical and mathematical models. Ie the sound
It is the branch of physics that describes the states of thermodynamic equilibrium at the macroscopic level.
it involves the study of the behavior and properties of light, including its interactions with matter.
Study stars, planets, galaxies, black holes, and other astronomical objects as physical bodies, including their composition, structure, and evolution.
Is a branch of astronomy concerned with the studies of the origin and evolution of the universe, from the Big Bang to today and on into the future.
motion is the change in position of bodies over time with respect to a given frame of reference.
1-Rectilineal movement 2-Circular movement 3-Parabolic movement 4-Periodic motion 5-Oscillatory movement 6-Vibratory movement 7-Simple harmonic motion
movimiento It is the movement of change of orientation of an extended body so that, given any point of it, it remains at a constant distance from a fixed point.
It is the movement by which a body moves from one point to another in space. An example is when a ball is thrown, it may have parabolic movement
Pendulum motion basically depicts the motion of a mass hanging from a string that moves back and forth.
Posición de un objeto The of a place or an object is the location of that place or object. ... Each time you identify the position of an object, you are comparing the location of the object with the location of another object or place.
If an object moves relative to a reference frame, for example, if a teacher moves to the right relative to a blackboard then the position of the object changes. This change in position is known as displacement.
Speed is a scalar quantity that refers to "how fast an object is moving." Speed can be thought of as the rate at which an object covers distance.
Speed is a scalar quantity that relates the distance traveled with time.
The slope of an e-t graph represents the speed of the mobile. If the motion is uniform, the graph e-t is a straight line since equal displacements occur in equal times.
Average acceleration Average acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes. Average acceleration is the change in velocity divided by an elapsed time
Velocity-time graph Velocity-time graphs are used to describe the motion of objects which are moving in a straight line. They can be used to show acceleration and to work out displacement. Physics.
It is the state of being in a movement affected by any acceleration (force) other than that provided by gravity.
Movements which occur along the earth's radius or towards the earth's surface or towards its centre.
Acceleration is a vector quantity that is defined as the rate at which an object changes its velocity. An object is accelerating if it is changing its velocity.
The concept of time is self-evident. An hour consists of a certain number of minutes, a day of hours and a year of days. ... Time is represented through change, such as the circular motion of the moon around Earth. The passing of time is indeed closely connected to the concept of space.
the final velocity is a vector quantity that measures the speed and direction of a moving body after it has reached its maximum acceleration.
Is the relationship between the distance traveled and the time taken to complete it. Its magnitude is designated as v.
Height La altura es una medida de la distancia vertical, ya sea la extensión vertical (qué tan "alto" es algo o alguien) o la posición vertical (qué tan "alto" es un punto)
Oblique shot It is the movement of a particle called a projectile, which describes a PARABLE in the air as a trajectory, when it is propelled with an initial speed at an elevation angle.
Parabolic shot The parabolic shot is a movement that results from the union of two movements: The uniform rectilinear movement (horizontal component) and the vertical movement (vertical component) that is effected by gravity and the result of this movement is a parabola.
L. Fernández, J. (02 de 10 de 2020). FiSiCALAB. Obtenido de https://www.fisicalab.com/apartado/concepto-movimiento https://www.universoformulas.com/fisica/cinematica/tipos-movimiento/#:~:text=Movimiento%20rectil%C3%ADneo%20uniforme%20(MRU)%3A,linea%20recta%20con%20aceleraci%C3%B3n%20constante. https://sites.google.com/site/inescedenofisica/cinematica-rotacional/movimiento-rotacional https://www.g9toengineering.com/resources/translational.htm#:~:text=Translational%20motion%20is%20the%20motion,moves%20along%20a%20straight%20line. https://www.brightstorm.com/science/physics/oscillatory-motion/pendulum-motion/ http://www.classzone.com/vpg_ebooks/ml_sci_gr8/accessibility/ml_sci_gr8/page_9.pdf https://www.educaplus.org/movi/2_5velocidad.html#:~:text=Rapidez%20y%20velocidad%20son%20dos%20magnitudes%20cinem%C3%A1ticas%20que%20suelen%20confundirse%20con%20frecuencia.&text=La%20rapidez%20es%20una%20magnitud,o%20desplazamiento)%20con%20el%20tiempo. http://www.educaplus.org/movi/3_3et1.html#:~:text=Podemos%20deducir%20las%20caracter%C3%ADsticas%20de,iguales%20se%20producen%20desplazamientos%20ig
By Luis Jacob Ortega Hernández
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