

Inglés vocabulario vario
Savviinaa M. C
Flashcards by Savviinaa M. C, updated more than 1 year ago
Savviinaa M. C
Created by Savviinaa M. C about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Prospects Perspectives de futur
Outlive Sobreviure
Back up Respaldar, confirmar / fer còpia de seguretat
Upbringing Educació
struck (v) impactar, sorprendre
forget (v)ing no recordes haver fet v, però ho has fet
forget to v no thas recordat de fer v
catch up to meet a person
stopped (v)ing no longer do V
stopped to deixar de v per un moment o per fer una altra cosa etc
findings conclusions, resultats, descobriments, hallazgos
chart (v) traçar
manking la humanitat
people people ara (plural)
enable permet, possibilita, habilita, autoritza
regard something considerar, observar, contemplar
regard someone apreciar, estimar
in the unlikely event sempre UNLIKELY
insight percepción, perspicacia, conocimiento, entendimiento
dispel dispensar, esparcir, desvanecer
contrary to popular opinion CONTRARY no OPPOSITE
misguided equivocado, mal informado
misguide someone engañar, desorientar, despistar, informar mal
evolve evolucionar
prove to propens a
mislead engañar, falsear a, confundir a
misled (va sense 'a', no és mislead) mal informat, mal guiat, enganyat, confós
swat golpe, bofetón, cachete
swat (v) pegar, aplastar, dar un cachete, batear
pull tirar de/sacar de/apretar
pulled down demolido (edificio)
appraisal valoración, estimación
appraise (v) valorar
appraising valorativo
appraising valorativo
appraisable valorable, de determinado valor
appeal gustar, atraer / pedir a, reunir, apelar
broke down into tears NO broke down in tears o broke into tears
little did he know sempre el DID
forged falsificat / forjat
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