Endocrine System


Biology Flashcards on Endocrine System, created by Lilian Vieyra on 10/06/2015.
Lilian Vieyra
Flashcards by Lilian Vieyra, updated more than 1 year ago
Lilian Vieyra
Created by Lilian Vieyra over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Function Maintain the state of balance in the body by performing a regulatory role for all the other organ systems
+ Function Collection of Glands Produce hormones Has organs
Gland Group of cells Selectively removes materials from the blood -Alters them -Secretes them for further use/elimination
Hormones Chemical messengers Travel through our circulatory system to other parts of the body Control or regulate a body process
Importance Hormones!!!!! It can affect every organ in the human body & their processes Metabolism, Growth, Mood, Sleep, Tissue function, Sexual function, Reproduction
How does it work Glands controlled directly by stimulation form nervous system, chemical receptors in the blood & hormones produced by other glads) Maintaining body's Homeostasis
+ How does it work Gland determines it's time to release a hormone \/ It signals other glands & hormone-producing agents \/ They release signals
Hypothalamus Contains cell neurons that secrete hormones Controls endocrine system -through-> Pitulary gland
Pitulary Gland Carries the hormones it realises ---> body Made of Oxytocin
Thyroid Gland Produces: calcitonin, triidothynine & thyroxine Together they 'regulate the metabolic body's rate'
Parathyroid Glands 4 masses of glandular tissue They produce the hormone PTH parathyroid (involved in calcium & releases into the bloodstream)
Adrenal Glands Contains cell neurons that secrete Adrenaline
Pancreas Contains endocrine & exocrine tissue Lowers blood glucose level after meals
Thymus Helps to train & develop T-lymphocytes during fetal development & childhood Replaced in puberty by adipose tissue
Gonads Control the development of the reproductive organs and the emergence of feminine/male sexual characteristics at puberty
Ovaries Produce the female sex hormones progesterone and estrogens.
Testes Produce testosterone
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