HSK 5下 "20-小人书摊"


Tarjetas didácticas (flashcards) con las palabras nuevas de la unidad 20 del segundo libro (下) HSK 5 Standard course.
Fernanda Rubio
Flashcards by Fernanda Rubio, updated more than 1 year ago
Fernanda Rubio
Created by Fernanda Rubio almost 4 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
tān (Noun) Stall, stand
chūbǎn (Verb) To publish 出版
liánhuánhuà (Noun) Picture-story book 连环画
niándài (Noun) Decade of a century 年代
dāndiào (Adjective) Monotonous, dull 单调
wǎngluò (Noun) Network, web 网络
dònghuàpiàn (Noun) Animated cartoon 动画片
yúlè (Noun; Verb) Entertainment; to amuse, to entertain 娱乐
wúshù (Adjective) Countless, innumerable 无数
qīng-shàonián (Noun) Youngsters, teenagers 青少年
cóngshì (Verb) To engage in 从事
háowú (Verb) Not in the least 毫无
yíwèn (Noun) Question, doubt 疑问
péngzi (Noun) Shed, shack 棚子
zhuāntóu (Noun) Brick 砖头
zhī (Verb) To prop up, to support
cūcāo (Adjective) Rough, crude 粗糙
mùtou (Noun) Wood, timber 木头
tícái (Noun) Theme, subject matter 题材
fān (Verb) To turn (over)
dā (Verb) To hang over, to lay over
zhěngqí (Adjective) Tidy, orderly 整齐
niánjì (Noun) Age 年纪
shēncái (Noun) Figure, stature 身材
chéngrén (Noun) Adult 成人
cè (Measure) Volume
jiǎrú (Conjunction) If, in case 假如
dēngjì (Verb) To register, to enter one's name 登记
jìlù (Noun; Verb) Record, note; to record 记录
shǒuxù (Noun) Procedure 手续
bànlǐ (Verb) To handle, to deal with 办理
yājīn (Noun) Cash pledge, deposit 押金
píng (Verb; Preposition) To rely on; on the basis of
yìnshuā (Verb) To print (books, newspapers, etc.) 印刷
zhǎng (Verb) To rise, to go up
shōucáng (Verb) To collect, to store up 收藏
Pānjiāyuán Panjiayuan, a subdistrict in Beijing famous for its antique market 潘家园
hùguósì Huguosi Street, a commercial street in Beijing 护国寺
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