Irregular Verbs 2do. A


Nombre: Jeimy Xiomara Vasquez López
Vasquez López Jeimy Xiomara, 2do. A
Flashcards by Vasquez López Jeimy Xiomara, 2do. A, updated more than 1 year ago
Vasquez López Jeimy Xiomara, 2do. A
Created by Vasquez López Jeimy Xiomara, 2do. A almost 4 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Be Was/where- been- estado
Become Become- become- volverse
Begin Began- begun- empezar
Brun Brunl/burned- burnt/burned- quemada
buy bought- bought- comprar
Catch Canght- cought- captura
Come Come- come- venir
Cut Cut- cut- cortar
Do Did- done- hacer
Drink Dronk- drunk- ebrio
Drive Drove- driven- manejar
Eat Ate- eaten- comer
Fall Fell- fallen- otoño
Feed Fed- fed- alimentados
Feel Felt- felt- sentir
Find Found- found- encontar
Fly Flew- flown- volar
Get Got- got- obtener
Give Gave- given- dar
Go Went- gone- ir
Have Had- had- tengo
Hear Heard- heard- escuchar
Hide Hid- hidden- esconder
Hurt Hurt- hurt- herido
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