
Tarjetas Ingles
Alvaro Limon
Flashcards by Alvaro Limon, updated more than 1 year ago
Alvaro Limon
Created by Alvaro Limon over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
I'm amazed by the quality of this fantastic film. The film has an amazing quality.
Everyone was amused yesterday by Mike's jokes. Mike is amusing.
I am bored. This game is very boring.
I was a slightly disappointed whit the place. The stadium of Tijuana is disappointing.
I was very embarrassed. Moving to the front was very embarrassing.
You should be more excited about this interview. This interview was exciting.
I'm interested in art. This activity is interesting.
I'm very relaxed on the sofa. The foam is very relaxing.
Frightened of a creature that does not exist. The film is frightening.
Look, Troy are you interested in this job or not? Work on the new company is interesting.
I'm satisfied with the food. The video game is very satisfying.
Frankly, I'm surprised to see you in such robust form. Wow, you look amazing, which is surprising.
I'm really tired. It's been a tiring day.
Once again, talk to your doctor if you are worried. You can finally worrying about me and relax.
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