Parts of the house


Student will be able to describe their house after recognize each part of it.
Lucas Garcia
Flashcards by Lucas Garcia, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Monica Alzate
Created by Monica Alzate about 8 years ago
Lucas Garcia
Copied by Lucas Garcia over 2 years ago


Parts of the house
Monica Alzate
Furniture of the house
Monica Alzate
This is my house
Monica Alzate
Parts of the House
Teacher Chris
The House: Grammar focus (There is/There are)
Jorge Sánchez
Test de las partes de la casa
Eymmy Roxana Ramírez Velásquez
Parts of the house
oihana FERRER
Parts of the house
Vanessa Henao
Parts of the house
Jhovani Roblero Vazquez
Unit 7. My house
Blanca Francisco
Fichas House
Mara Gutierrez