

Larissa Valentina Gómez Chávez
Flashcards by Larissa Valentina Gómez Chávez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Larissa Valentina Gómez Chávez
Created by Larissa Valentina Gómez Chávez about 2 years ago
Larissa Valentina Gómez Chávez
Copied by Larissa Valentina Gómez Chávez about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Handle We have to handle that problem.
Handle We have to handle that problem
Typical That insect is very typical here
Adapted We have to adapt to the weather
Harsh environments That place has a harsh environment
Mammals The bear is a mammalian animal
Conditions That place has very poor conditions
Lack of That place lacks a lot of water
Oxygen we have oxygen
Varieties There are many varieties of animals
Levels There are many levels of food chains
Thrive I know that your company will thrive
Life I love my life
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