Verbos irregulares inglés


Fichas en Sin título, creado por Sandra Vallejo Correa en 07/02/2016.
Sandra Vallejo Correa
Flashcards by Sandra Vallejo Correa, updated more than 1 year ago
Sandra Vallejo Correa
Created by Sandra Vallejo Correa over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ser o estar Be Was/Were Been
Soportar Bear Bore Born
Pegar/golpear Beat Beat Beaten
Llegar a ser Become Became Become
Empezar Begin Began Begun
Morder Bit Bit Bitten
Soplar Blow Blew Blown
Romper Break Broke Broken
Traer/Llevar Bring Brought Brought
Construir Build Built Built
Quemar Burn Burnt Burnt
Estallar Brust Brust Brust
Comprar Buy Bought Bought
Poder Can Could Been able to
Coger Catch Caught Caught
Elegir Choose Chose Chosen
Venir Come Came Come
Costar Cost Cost Cost
Cortar Cut Cut Cut
Repartir Deal Dealt Dealt
Cavar Dig Dag Dug
Hacer Do Did Done
Dibujar Draw Drew Drawn
Soñar Dream Dreamt Dreamt
Beber Drink Drank Drunk
Conducir Drive Drove Driven
Comer Eat Ate Eaten
Caer Fall Fell Fallen
Alimentar Feed Fed Fed
Sentir Feel Felt Felt
Luchar Fighth Fought Fought
Encontrar Find Found Found
Volar Fly Flew Flown
Prohibir Forbird Forbade Forbidden
Olvidar Forget Forgot Forgotten
Perdonar Forgive Forgave Forgiven
Helar Freeze Froze Frozen
Obtener Get Got Got
Dar Give Gave Given
Ir Go Went Gone
Crecer Grow Grew Grown
Colgar Hang Hung Hung
Hacer/Tener Have Had Had
Oir Hear Heard Heard
Esconder/Ocultar Hide Hid Hidden
Golpear Hit Hit Hit
Sostener/Contener Hold Held Held
Herir/Doler Hurt Hurt Hurt
Guardar Keep Kept Kept
Colocar Lay Laid Laid
Dirigir/Protagonizar Lead Led Led
Aprender Learn Learnt Learnt
Dejar/Avandonar Leave Left Left
Prestar Lend Lent Lent
Dejar/Permitir Let Let Let
Estar acostado Lie Lay Lain
Alumbrar Light Lit Lit
Perder Lose Lost Lost
Hacer Make Made Made
Significar/Querer Mean Meant Meant
Encontrarse con Meet Met Met
Pagar Pay Paid Paid
Poner Put Put Put
Leer Read Read Read
Montar Ride Rode Ridden
Sonar Ring Rang Rung
Subir Rise Rose Risen
Correr Run Ran Run
Decir Say Said Said
Ver See Saw Seen
Buscar Seek Sought Sought
Vender Sell Sold Sold
Mandar/Enviar Send Sent Sent
Poner/Colocar Set Set Set
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