Question | Answer |
Cuñada | Sister-in-law /ˈsɪstərɪnlɔː/ |
shirt (image/jpg)
Shirt /ʃ3ːt/ |
Egoísta | Selfish /ˈselfɪʃ/ |
Suspiro | Sigh /saɪ/ |
Riñones | Kidneys /ˈkɪdnɪs/ |
Superar, vencer | To Overcome /ˌəʊvəˈkʌm/ (overcoming fears (/fɪəʳs/) = vencer miedos) |
Pertenencias | Belongings /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz/ |
Falso, de mentira, de juguete | Fake /feɪk/ |
Aparentar, fingir | To Fake /feɪk/ Ej: He will fake it = Lo aparentará |
Casi, por poco | Almost /ˈɔːlməʊst/ Nearly /ˈnɪəlɪ/ Ej: It's nearly six o'clock |
Punto de inflexión | Turning-point |
Firmemente, severamente | Tightly /ˈtaɪtlɪ/ Ej: He hugged me so tightly, I couldn't breathe |
Matanza, masacre | Slaughter /ˈslɔːtəʳ/ |
Matadero | Slaughterhouse /ˈslɔːtəhaʊs/ |
Metáfora | Metaphor /ˈmetəfɔːʳ/ |
Esparcido, desperdigado, disperso | Scattered /ˈskætəd/ |
Miope | Short-sighted /ˈʃɔːtˈsaɪtɪd/ |
Elocuentemente | Eloquently /ˈeləkwəntlɪ/ Ej: is eloquently described /dɪsˈkraɪbd/ |
Merece la pena | it's worth /w3ːθ/ it |
Valer | Be worth /w3ːθ/ Ej: the vase was worth 200 pounds. |
Paz y sosiego | Peace and quiet |
Ante todo, por encima de todo | First and foremost |
De una vez por todas | Once and for all Ej: Tell me once and for all |
Descanso y ocio | Rest and recreation |
Al menos, como mínimo, por lo menos | At least /liːst/ |
Al fin, por fin | At last /lɑːst/ |
Arriba y abajo | Up and down |
De un lado a otro, yendo y viniendo, de aquí para allá | Back and forth /fɔːθ/ Here and there To and fro Ej: He was going back and forth to work /ˈhɒspɪtl/ Ej: Wandering here and there Ej: pace to and fro |
Deambular Paseo, caminata | Wander /ˈwɒndəʳ/ Ej: go for a wander |
Correcta y formal | Prim and proper /ˈwɒndəʳ/ |
Agasajar | To wine and dine Ej: He wined and dined her in attempt to win her business |
Tratar de | Attempt to |
Ser parte integrante de | Be part and parcel of |
De vez en cuando | On and off Ej: We dated on and off |
Suponer, asumir | To presume Ej: the law presume innocence |
Ver la luz al final del camino | To see light at the end of the tunnel |
Irse de las manos | Get out of hand Ej: The party got out of hand |
Pedir disculpas | To beg pardon /ˈpɑːdn/ |
Rogar, pedir, mendigar | To beg ( pasado= begged) |
Mirar fijamente, contemplar | To gaze /geɪz/ Ej: He gazed /geɪzt/ at the stars |
Acabar | To end up +ing |
Acercarse, aproximarse | To approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ Ej: The boxer approached /əˈprəʊtʃt /his opponent |
Entre | Among /əˈmʌŋst/ Ej: Josiah's farm is situated among the cornfields (campos de maíz) |
Mi novio me propuso | My boyfirend proposes to me |
Irse de vacaciones | Going on holidays |
Me encanta conocer | I love to meet |
Gasa | Gauze /gɔːz/ |
Alcance, mira | Scope |
Techo, tejado | Roof /ruːf/ |
Frontera | Frontier |
Propietario | Holder /ˈhəʊldəʳ/ |
Subestimar, dar por hecho | Take sth/sb for granted. Ej: Living by the sea is sth you never take for granted if you surf |
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