Fichas de Inglés - Vocabulario Intermedio 2


Fichas de vocabulario inglés intermedio. Pueden ser usadas para prepararse para pruebas de inglés como el Cambridge FCE, CAE, TOEFL, etc.
Ainhoa Ortega Sá
Flashcards by Ainhoa Ortega Sá, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
maya velasquez
Created by maya velasquez almost 9 years ago
maya velasquez
Copied by maya velasquez almost 9 years ago
Ainhoa Ortega Sá
Copied by Ainhoa Ortega Sá almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cuñada Sister-in-law /ˈsɪstərɪnlɔː/
Shirt /ʃ3ːt/
Egoísta Selfish /ˈselfɪʃ/
Suspiro Sigh /saɪ/
Riñones Kidneys /ˈkɪdnɪs/
Superar, vencer To Overcome /ˌəʊvəˈkʌm/ (overcoming fears (/fɪəʳs/) = vencer miedos)
Pertenencias Belongings /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz/
Falso, de mentira, de juguete Fake /feɪk/
Aparentar, fingir To Fake /feɪk/ Ej: He will fake it = Lo aparentará
Casi, por poco Almost /ˈɔːlməʊst/ Nearly /ˈnɪəlɪ/ Ej: It's nearly six o'clock
Punto de inflexión Turning-point
Firmemente, severamente Tightly /ˈtaɪtlɪ/ Ej: He hugged me so tightly, I couldn't breathe
Matanza, masacre Slaughter /ˈslɔːtəʳ/
Matadero Slaughterhouse /ˈslɔːtəhaʊs/
Metáfora Metaphor /ˈmetəfɔːʳ/
Esparcido, desperdigado, disperso Scattered /ˈskætəd/
Miope Short-sighted /ˈʃɔːtˈsaɪtɪd/
Elocuentemente Eloquently /ˈeləkwəntlɪ/ Ej: is eloquently described /dɪsˈkraɪbd/
Merece la pena it's worth /w3ːθ/ it
Valer Be worth /w3ːθ/ Ej: the vase was worth 200 pounds.
Paz y sosiego Peace and quiet
Ante todo, por encima de todo First and foremost
De una vez por todas Once and for all Ej: Tell me once and for all
Descanso y ocio Rest and recreation
Al menos, como mínimo, por lo menos At least /liːst/
Al fin, por fin At last /lɑːst/
Arriba y abajo Up and down
De un lado a otro, yendo y viniendo, de aquí para allá Back and forth /fɔːθ/ Here and there To and fro Ej: He was going back and forth to work /ˈhɒspɪtl/ Ej: Wandering here and there Ej: pace to and fro
Deambular Paseo, caminata Wander /ˈwɒndəʳ/ Ej: go for a wander
Correcta y formal Prim and proper /ˈwɒndəʳ/
Agasajar To wine and dine Ej: He wined and dined her in attempt to win her business
Tratar de Attempt to
Ser parte integrante de Be part and parcel of
De vez en cuando On and off Ej: We dated on and off
Suponer, asumir To presume Ej: the law presume innocence
Ver la luz al final del camino To see light at the end of the tunnel
Irse de las manos Get out of hand Ej: The party got out of hand
Pedir disculpas To beg pardon /ˈpɑːdn/
Rogar, pedir, mendigar To beg ( pasado= begged)
Mirar fijamente, contemplar To gaze /geɪz/ Ej: He gazed /geɪzt/ at the stars
Acabar To end up +ing
Acercarse, aproximarse To approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ Ej: The boxer approached /əˈprəʊtʃt /his opponent
Entre Among /əˈmʌŋst/ Ej: Josiah's farm is situated among the cornfields (campos de maíz)
Mi novio me propuso My boyfirend proposes to me
Irse de vacaciones Going on holidays
Me encanta conocer I love to meet
Gasa Gauze /gɔːz/
Alcance, mira Scope
Techo, tejado Roof /ruːf/
Frontera Frontier
Propietario Holder /ˈhəʊldəʳ/
Subestimar, dar por hecho Take sth/sb for granted. Ej: Living by the sea is sth you never take for granted if you surf
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