Business English Vocabulary


Evaluación de Ingles
Flashcards by zuleheral, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by zuleheral over 8 years ago
Copied by zuleheral over 8 years ago

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Accountant "CONTADOR" Ej: I have spoken to some accountants who work in this area.
Accountancy "CONTADURíA" Ej: This article was in a magazine that would only be read by people working in accountancy.
Administrator "ADMINISTRADOR" Ej: He is administrator of several companies
Belt-tightening "REDUCIR COSTOS" Ej: The ​car ​manufacturer announced ​plans for belt-tightening
Blockbuster "ÉXITO" Ej: The product is a blockbuster
Cash cow "PRODUCTO QUE GENERA DINERO A UNA COMPAÑÌA" Ej: The football team was a cash cow for the university.
Cash in on "OBTENER UN BENEFICIO POR OTRO" Ej: He is the sort of person who cash in on good business
Crunch time "PERIODO DE PRESIÓN PARA UNA COMPAÑÍA" Ej: This is crunch time for folks in the prognostication business.
Drum up business "LEVANTAR UN NEGOCIO" Ej: For over 20 years, Idealiza has been helping clients drum up business
Face the music "ENFRENTAR UN PROBLEMA" Ej: An error was committed and we have to face the music
Hard sell "VENTA AGRESIVA" Ej: The White Paper and this report are all part of a hard sell,
Yes man PERSONA QUE ESTA DE ACUERDO CON TODO LO QUE DIGA EL JEFE Ej: We will not just be the yes-man.
Plug "PROMOVER" Ej: Beer companies always plug their products during sports events.
Interest rates "TASA DE INTERES" Ej: Interest rates will stay lower for longer
e- "EN LÍNEA" Ej: Many contacts are made , questions are answered, through e-mail or telephone
e-commerce "COMERCIO ELECTRÓNICO" Ej: It is a question of creating confidence in development if e-commerce is to work.
Tech-savvy "EXPERTO EN TECNOLOGÍA" Ej: This product is not for the faint-hearted, but rather the tech savvy
In bulk "EN VOLUMEN" Ej: If we buy the microwaves in bulk, we can increase our profit margin
Booming "EXITOSO" Ej: Internet sales are booming.
Best-selling "LO MAS VENDIDO" Ej: This product has ever since been the best-selling of the company's product range.
Broadband "BANDA ANCHA" Ej: Due to broadband we are able to display our products in a more favourable
Undergoing "NUEVA EXPERIENCIA" Ej: The retail industry is undergoing a revolution
Dotcom "PUNTO COM" Ej: Despite fears over the future of the Internet after the dotcom bubble burst and initial consumer concerns about the safety of shopping by credit card online
Economy "ECONOMÍA" Ej: The world economy is becoming increasingly interwoven
Management "ADMINISTRACIÓN" Ej: Management alone cannot make important decision
White goods "LINEA BLANCA" Ej: Fridge, stove
Brown goods "LINEA MARRON" Ej: Tv, stereos, video recorders
Red Tape "OBSTÁCULOS PARA REALIZAR TRÁMITES ADMINISTRATIVOS" Ej: You would not believe the red tape involved in getting the required permits.
In the red "LA COMPAÑÍA ESTA INSOLVENTE" Ej: Tourism is down and many hotels are operating in the red
In the black "LA COMPAÑÍA ESTA SOLVENTE" Ej: I wish my accounts were in the black
Black market "MERCADO ILEGAL" Ej: On the black market, sugar and petrol now cost about four times their normal prices.
Blue-sky "IDEA QUE NO TIENE LÓGICA" Ej: This projects blue sky ideas
Blue sky securities "COSAS QUE NO TIENEN VALOR" Ej: The accountant tells you that the stocks and bonds you have recently bought are blue-sky securities. Would you feel happy or unhappy about this?
White collar "OFICINISTA" Ej: Empresario
White collar thief "LADRONES DE CUELLO BLANCO" Ej: Empresarios estafadores
Pink collar "ASISTENTE" Ej: Secretaria
Green collar "EMPRESARIO ECOLOGISTA" Ej: Products and services that are environment-friendly.
To come out of the blue "ALGO QUE NO SE ESPERABA" Ej: This debt did not come out of the blue.
Blue murder "PROTESTA POR GENTE QUE SE QUEDA CALLADA" Ej: often in the face of inaction on the part of people who today are screaming blue murder.
Blue chip "ENCONTRARSE EN CAMINOS DE RIQUEZA" Ej: Invest in a few high-performing blue-chip stocks and ignore their daily fluctuations.
Christmas holidays "VACACIONES NAVIDEÑAS" Ej: some businesses may shut for the Christmas holidays
Seasonal workers "TRABAJADORES DE TEMPORADA" Ej: Christmas holidays is a period when some industries might need extra support and will take on seasonal workers.
Policy "POLÍTICA DE UNA EMPRESA" Ej: A policy is that some employers may need to restrict annual leave over the Christmas period
Collective agreement "CONTRATO COLECTIVO" Ej: The company has a collective agreement with its workers
Side-gigger "TRABAJADOR A TIEMPO DETERMINADO" Ej: Claudia Works 12 hrs per week in an office as a proffesors assistant
SWOT "FORTALEZAS-DEBILIDADES-OPORTUNIDADES-AMENAZAS" Ej: *STRENGHTS: Selling products directly to the customers *WEAKNESSES: No partnerships or strong relationships with computer retailers *OPPORTUNITIES: Internet as a marketing tool *THREATS: Strong relationship of competitors with retailers
Asap "LO MAS PRONTO POSIBLE" Ej: We should get on with the program asap
Look it up "INVESTIGAR,BUSCAR" Ej: Mary has to look it up information about Greek yogurt if she wants to start a business.
Internships "PASANTIAS" Ej: The internships in the ULA will start in May
Headhunters "RECLUTADORES" Ej: Job headhunters can still charge a fee for finding you permanent employment with a company.
Freelance "TRABAJADOR INDEPENDIENTE" Ej: Miss. Zuleidy gain a lot of money working as a freelance
Corporate Social Responsibility "RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL DE LAS EMPRESAS" Ej: Ultrabikes is a Corporate Social Responsibility
Scheming "HACER PLANES" Ej: I´ve had enough of scheming
Rich "RICO" Ej: Do you want to be rich?
Single-minded "ENFOCADO" Ej: I´am single-minded
Kickstarter "COMENZAR DE GOLPE, DE CERO" Ej: The business kickstarter
Backer "PERSONA QUE APOYA" Ej: The now famous Kickstarter campaign to support one man's mission to make potato salad has raised over $50,000 between about 6,000 backers in less than a month
Tax heaven "PARAISO FISCAL" Ej: Companies domiciled in tax heaven countries.
Crodwfunding "FORMA DE CONSEGUIR DINERO" Ej: Here are the 9 best pieces of advice that Brown has for future crowdfunders
To peak "LLEGAR AL PUNTO MÁXIMO" Ej: Sale are to peak
Slide "DIAPOSITIVAS" Ej: LCD projection technology is similar to a slide show
Line chart "GRÁFICO DE LINEAS" Ej: In the line chart levels observed
Pie chart "GRÁFICO DE TORTA" Ej: This pie chart shows the distribution of the IPv6 blocks
Table chart "GRÁFICO DE TABLAS" Ej: In the line chart levels observed
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