

Condicionales 0, 1, 2, 3
Flashcards by enolcacheroramir, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by enolcacheroramir almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Condicional 0 If + Presente Simple -> Presente Simple
Condicional 1 if + Presente Simple -> Futuro Simple
Condicional 2 If Pasado Simple -> Would + Infinitivo
Condicional 3 If Pasado Perfecto -> Would have + Participio
Condicional 2 If I WON the lotery I WOULD TRAVEL around the world
Condicional 2 Rachel WOULD LEARN to play if she HAD more time
Condicional 2 WOULD you BE happy if you WERE to be married?
Condicional 3 If I HAD KNOWN then what I know now I WOULD HAVE DONE things diffently
Condicional 3 WOULD you HAVE LIKED to go to university if you HAD BEEN able to afford it?
Condicional 3 If I HAD WON the lotery I WOULD HAVE traveled around the world
Condicional 0 If + simple present simple present
Condicional 0 If this thing happens that thing happens.
Condicional 0 If you heat ice it melts.
Condicional 0 If it rains the grass gets wet.
Condicional 1 If + simple present simple future
Condicional 1 If this thing happens that thing will happen.
Condicional 1 If you don't hurry you will miss the train.
Condicional 1 If it rains today you will get wet.
Condicional 2 If + simple past ->present conditional ->present continuous conditional
Condicional 2 If this thing happened ->that thing would happen. ->that thing would be happening.
Condicional 2 If you went to bed earlier you would not be so tired.
Condicional 2 If it rained you would get wet.
Condicional 2 If I spoke Italian I would be working in Italy.
Condicional 3 If + past perfect ->perfect conditional ->perfect continuous conditional
Condicional 3 If this thing had happened -> that thing would have happened. ->that thing would have been happening.
Condicional 3 If you had studied harder you would have passed the exam.
Condicional 3 If it had rained you would have gotten wet.
Condicional 3 If I had accepted that promotion I would have been working in Milan.
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