Vocabulary I


Vocabulario en inglés, la primera parte contiene la definición y en segundo lugar ejemplos de uso de dicha palabra
Yudy Valbuena
Flashcards by Yudy Valbuena, updated more than 1 year ago
Yudy Valbuena
Created by Yudy Valbuena over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Abandon Leave without planning to come back. The soldier could not abandon his friends, who were hurt in battle
Keen Sharp, eager, intense, sensitive. The butcher's keen knife cut through the meat. My dog has a keen sense of smell.
Jealous Afraid that the one you love might prefer someone else; wanting what someone else has. A detective was hired by the jealous widow to find de boyfriend who had abandoned her.
Tact Ability to say the right thing. My aunt never hurts anyone's feelings because she always uses tact
Oath A promise that somethig is true, a curse. In court, the witness took an oat that he would tell the whole thruth. When Terry discovered that he had been abandoned, he let out an angry oath
Vacant Empty, no filled. Someone is planning to build a house on that vacant lot. when the landlord broke in, he found apartment vacant
Gallant Brave, showing respect for women. Many gallant kninghts entered the contest to win the princess Ed is so gallant that he always give up his subway seat to woman
Hardship something that is hard to bear, difficulty. The fighter had to face many hardships before he became champion. Lincoln was able to overcome one harship after another
Unnaccustomed Not used to sometime. Comming from Alaska, Claude was unaccustomed to Florida's heat. The king was unaccustomed to having people disobey him.
Bachelor A man who has not married. My brother took an oath to remain a bachelor. Before the wedding, all his bachelor friends had a party.
Qualify Show that you are able. She can't carry a tune, she is sure that she will never qualify for the Girl's Chorus
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