19.8 Vaughan Lesson Grand Finale


Grand Finale
Vicki Diaz
Flashcards by Vicki Diaz, updated more than 1 year ago
Vicki Diaz
Created by Vicki Diaz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
donde mezclamos todo
nos gustas we like you
te gustamos you like us
siempre aparco aqui I always park here
Mary normalmente sabe mary usually knows
¿cuanto tiempo dura la clase? how long does the class last?
¿cuanto tiempo dura la pelicula? how long does the movie last?
how long does a meeting last?
no le duele ( a el ) la espalda his back doesn´t hurt
No te duele el estómago your stomach doesn´t hurt
¿que tiempo hace? what´s the weather like?
les gustas they like you
te gustan you like them
me gusta el I like him
me gustas i like you
me gustas tu tambien i like you too
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