In the world II


In the world, there is... Part II
Guillermo Fernández Quesada
Flashcards by Guillermo Fernández Quesada, updated more than 1 year ago
Guillermo Fernández Quesada
Created by Guillermo Fernández Quesada over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
In the world...
In the world, there are too many buildings...
...but, there aren't enough parks.
In the world, there are too many factories...
...and, there is too much contamination.
In the world, there are too many sick people...
...and, there aren't enough doctors.
In the world, there are too many politicians...
...but, there isn't enough imagination.
In the world, there are enough resources...
...but, there is too much hunger.
In the world, there are too many wars...
...and, there isn't enough peace.
In the world, there are enough weapons...
...and, there is too much violence.
In the world, there is too much egoism...
...But, there isn't enough generosity.
The End By Guillermo Fdez. Quesada
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