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Created by Ysabel Avila Durand
about 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
Actor (áktor) | Actor |
Air Steward (er stiuard) | Azafata de vuelo |
architect (árkitect) | arquitecto |
shop assistant (chop asístan) | dependiente / ayudante de tienda |
Baker (béiker) | panadero |
Barman, barmaid, bar person (bárman, bármeid, bar pérson) | camarero barman |
businessman, businesswoman (bísnesman, bísneswuman) | empresario?a |
butcher (bátcher) | carnicero |
civil servant (civil sérvan) | funcionario, empleado del estado |
clerk (clerk) | oficinista, administrativo |
computer operator. programmer (compiúter opereítor, prográmer) | programador informático |
cook (quk) | cocinero |
Dentist (déntist) | dentista |
Designer (disáiner) | Diseñador |
Director (diréctor) | Director de una empresa, departamento |
Doctor (dóctor) | Doctor, médico |
bus driver, taxi driver, train driver (bas draiver, tacsi draiver, trein draiver) | Conductor de autobús, de taxi, de tren |
electrician (elektríchian) | electricista |
Engineer (ingínier) | Ingeniero |
Farmer (fármer) | Granjero |
Fisherman (fícherman) | Pescador |
Hairdresser (jerdréser) | Peluquero/a |
Head teacher (jed tícher) | Director de colegio |
Jeweler (yiúler) | Joyero |
Journalist (yúrnalist) | Periodista |
Judge (yadg) | Juez/a |
Lawyer (lóier) | Abogado/a |
Manager (mánager) | Gerente |
Miner (máiner) | Minero/a |
Musician (musíchian) | Músico |
Nurse (ners) | Enfermero/a |
Painter (péinter) | Pintor/a de brocha gorda |
Photographer (fotógrafer) | Fotógrafo/a |
Pilot (páilot) | Piloto |
Plumber (plámber) | Gasfitero/ plomero/fontanero |
Police officer (polis óficer) | Policía |
Politician (politíchian) | Político/a |
Receptionist (ricépchionist) | recepcionista |
Sailor (séilor) | Marinero |
Salesman, saleswoman, salesperson (sélsman, sélwuman, sélsperson) | Vendedor/a |
Secretary (sécretari) | Secretario/a |
Surgeon (séryen) | Cirujano/a |
teacher (tícher) | Profesor/a |
Travel agent (trável eigent) | Agente de viajes |
Waiter, waitress (wéiter, wéitres) | Camarero/camarera |
Writer (ráiter) | escritor/a |
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