Question | Answer |
Desprenderse | Break off |
Chocar, encontrarse con | Bump into |
Requerir | Call for |
Apelar, recurrir | Call on |
Suceder | Come about |
Encontrarse con | Come across |
Progresar | Come along |
Dar un paso al frente | Come forward |
Reducir | Cut down |
Datar, remontarse | Date back |
Convertirse en | Draw up |
Redactar, planear | Draw up |
Terminar | End up |
Estar harto de | Fed up with |
Sentirse con fuerza, ánimos | Fell up to + ing |
Seguir adelante, llevar a cabo | Go ahead |
Estropearse | Go off |
Salir de fiesta | Go out |
Analizar | Go over |
Sufrir | Go through |
Retrasar | Hold up |
Decepcionar | Let down |
Cuidar | Look after |
Name after | Llamarse por |
Pelar | Peel off |
Puntualizar | Point out |
Aparecer de repente | Pop up |
Derribar | Pull down |
Achacar | Pull down |
Recuperarse | Pull through |
Proponer, ofrecerse | Put forward |
Encontrarse con | Run into |
Sobresalir | Stand out |
Establecerse, asentarse | Settle down |
Ordenar | Sort out |
Tomar el relevo | Take over |
Empezar a hacer algo (pasatiempo) | Take up |
Rechazar | Turn down |
Resolver | Work out |
Agotar, estar exhausto | Wear out |
Romper, estropear | Break down |
Cancelar | Call off |
Llevar a cabo | Carry out |
Elaborar, inventarse | Come up with |
Resolver | Figure out |
Averiguar | Find out |
Rendirse | Give up |
Estar deseando | Look forward to + ing |
Investigar | Look into |
Admirar | Look up to |
Inventar | Make up |
Cancelar, aplazar | Put off |
Tolerar, aguantar | Put up with |
Quedarse sin | Run out of |
Fundar | Set up |
Romper | Split up |
Acudir | Turn out for Turn up for Turn up to Turn up at |
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