Created by Ysabel Avila Durand
almost 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
Environment /envairoment/ | Medio Ambiente |
Wild /uaild/ | Salvaje |
Mangrove /mangrouv/ | Manglar |
National Park /nachional park/ | Parque Nacional |
National Reserve /náchional riserv/ | Reserva Nacional |
Plant Eater /plant íter/ | Herbívoro |
Meat Eater /mít íter/ | Carnívoro |
Predatory animal /prédatori ánimal/ | Depredador |
Preservation /preserveichion/ | Conservación |
Repellant /ripélant/ | Repelente |
Saltwater /soltuóter/ | Salinas |
Species /spíchis/ | Especies |
Wetlands /wétlands/ | Humedales |
Wildlife /uail laif/ | Animal Salvaje |
Rainforest /rein fórest/ | Selva |
Andean Condor /ándian cóndor/ | Condor Andino |
jaguar /yáguar/ | Jaguar |
Spectacled Bear /spéctakel ber/ | Oso |
Andean Tapir /ándian tápir/ | Tapir andino |
Endangered species /endeinyer spíchis/ | Especies en extinción |
Lizard /lízard/ | Lagartija |
Sealion /sílaion/ | León Marino |
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