Phrasal verbs come and take


memorization and practice
Alejandra Vázquez
Flashcards by Alejandra Vázquez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Alejandra Vázquez
Created by Alejandra Vázquez over 7 years ago
Alejandra Vázquez
Copied by Alejandra Vázquez over 7 years ago

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Question Answer
COME TRUE To actually happen. I can´t believe that my dream house has actually come true.
COME TO LIGHT To make (or become) widely known or evident. 'A document which had come to light since that person's death, implicating the author and others in a crime.
COME TO TERMS WITH To accept something, usually a sad situation. I think he's still coming to terms with the death of his wife
COME INTO POWER To take a position of leadership or control. Has the new governor of Mexico State come into power yet?
COME IN HANDY To be useful Keeping some tools in the car´s trunk is crucial as they might come in handy someday.
COME INTO EFFECT To begin to apply All students were asked to show their ID´s to enter the school and before exams as new school regulations had come into effect.
COME OF AGE To become an adult She´s coming of age next week, she will be old enough to vote.
TAKE ON To take new responsibilities. I´m not taking on more clients, I´m very busy right now.
TAKE BACK To admit that something you said to or about someone was wrong. I didn’t mean what I said, I take it back.
TAKE OFF To leave the ground The plane should have taken off on time, it´s odd she hasn´t arrived yet.
TAKE OVER To take control of something Spain took over Mexico on August 13, 1521, during the coalition of Spanish forces and native Tlaxcalan warriors led by Hernán Cortés and Xicotencatl.
TAKE IN To understand I’m not sure how much of his explanation she took in.
TAKE AFTER To look or behave like someone else. In looks, she takes after her father.
TAKE DOWN To write down information or a statement. Luckily, I was able to take down the license plate number of the person who hit us.
TAKE UP To occupy space These files take up a lot of disk space
LET´S PRACTICE!! Some of his predictions have actually ---- COME TRUE
This matches will ---- to light up the bunk fire when we go camping. COME IN HANDY
It´s ----- the truth about what happened that night. COMING TO LIGHT
He´s -- to be responsible for himself. COMING OF AGE
Danielle has finally --- the fact her marriage was over. COME INTO TERMS
My son born on the same day the new American president --- CAME INTO POWER
The law ----- on New Year’s Day. CAME INTO EFFECT
The police ---- our addresses and phone numbers. TOOK DOWN
What time the plane --- ? TOOK OFF
I´ve been ---- more responsibilities at work. TAKING ON
Peter had --- what he said about me. TAKEN BACK
I’ll try not to ------- too much of your time. TAKE UP
We were ---- so much information that it was difficult to remember all. TAKING IN
My mother told me that I had --- my grandma´s eye color. TAKEN AFTER
Can you ------ the cooking while I walk the dog? TAKE OVER
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