Cards with activities for course KA219 session 1


Actividades micro curso #simplemenTeTwinning, algunos casos prácticos. Activities for course KA219, with some examples.
Francis Alés
Flashcards by Francis Alés, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Francis Alés
Created by Francis Alés over 7 years ago
Francis Alés
Copied by Francis Alés almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
eTwinning Course for KA219 Session 1: “Ready, steady, eTwinning” Working on: * Tools 2.0 * eTwinning * Twinspace
Focusing on practical use Be aware of the mind map.
Practice number 1 Search and download the PDF file to apply training credits for eTwinning projects in your region, from your NSS. (In Spain, SNA is in
What is eTwinning? Watch video1 and video 2.
Practice number 2 Use self-assessment tools to give your point of view about what eTwinning is. Menti, Kahoot, Linoit.
Mobile learning Watch video 3. Be aware of some articles.
Sharing on the Cloud Learn how to use Dropbox and Drive. Register your accounts and sign in.
Practice number 3 Access to Dropbox and Drive shared by the instructor, read the documents there and do what they say.
Blogger Learn how to use Blogger, register and sign in.
Practice number 4 Start your blog for this course, adding an entry to resume all practices done until now. (Use texts, links, screenshots, or whatever you want there).
eTwinning training vs eTwinning Limits but training is posible.
eTwinning Profile Register and sign in eTwinning. Complet your profile with a Description, choosing your subjects, and uploading your photo.
Develop your progress in eTwinning Profile Try to improve your progress bars with the self teaching material.
To be continued ... Thank you !!!
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