3.The Minister: How Do I Plan The Worship Service?


Flashcards on 3.The Minister: How Do I Plan The Worship Service?, created by flippster17 on 15/07/2013.
Flashcards by flippster17, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by advanceinc over 11 years ago
Copied by flippster17 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
_________________ is the most important event in the life of the church each week. Celebration of worship
The early church model of worship was based on the ____________ style. Synagogue
Worship can be viewed as the ___________ of the wheel of ministry. hub
Three purposes of worship are ___________________________________________________________. exalt God; edify believers; evangelize the lost
A worship service should ___________ believers. mature
A structure of a worship service may be ___________from church to church. different
A worship service should be _________ through, __________through, and ____________ for the glory of God. thought; prayed; designed
A call to worship should __________ the worshiper onto the greatness of God. focus
The Bible says in ______________ that there should be a public reading of Scripture. 1 Timothy 4:13
The ____________ praise is importnat because the worship service should not be a spectator event. congregational
Using fear and guilt when receiving an offering is _____________. unproductive
The ______________________ is the centerpiece of the worship service in a church. ministry of the Word of God
Pastoral preaching has a high _____ element in tthe content. teaching
A sermon should ____ on the person of Jesus Christ. center
Preaching needs to be _______ based. biblically
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