Russian History Revision Cards: 1881-1917 (Tsarism)


Revision cards for tsarism and its challenges from 1881 to 1917 and the fall of the Romanovs. Includes the 1905 Revolution and its causes and the development of oppostion.
Flashcards by alicenoel, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alicenoel almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Problems facing the Tsar in 1881 Economically and politically backwards.
Emancipation of the serfs Tsar Alexander II had emancipated the serfs, which had been a prevention of russian progress. However they had to pay 'redemption tax' for the following 49 years. They lived within mirs, which prevented the modernisation of russian agriculture and industry, as they were unable to leave.
1864 - Zemtsva The first form of elected government - limited to the educated and wealthy. Trial by jury was introduced in 1870.
Change from above Reforms were caused by the rulers or the government. Russian politics was not democratic for most of its existence. Political power was always firmly in the hands of the rulers.
Problems facing Alexander III His father had raised expectations of reform and he was pressured by some advisers to make Russia more like western and central Europe. Others wanted it to remain autocratic. Some people thought the only way to modernise Russia was to remove Tsarism itself.
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