Unit 12 Appearance : question & sample answer


Communicative English Course
Bill Tam
Flashcards by Bill Tam, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Bill Tam
Created by Bill Tam over 8 years ago
Bill Tam
Copied by Bill Tam over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How important are looks to you in any potential girlfriend or boyfriend? Appearance is important but not the most important quality I am looking for in a potential girlfriend / boyfriend
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of being good looking? I think being good looking helps us easier to make new friends and find a job, but some people may get carried away and lose control in other aspects of their life.
Do you have any experience of being treated unfairly because of the way you looked or have you treated someone unfairly based on their looks. I remember a few instances when I was being treated unfairly because I am an Asian, but I have never treat anyone unfairly based on their looks or race.
How would the personality and appearance of people affect whether they would become your friend? No matter how a person looks, I would make friends with all good people,
How do you choose your best friends? What are their most important characteristics to make them your best friends? I choose my best friends based on mutual respect, trust and interests. The most important characteristics of my best friends are they are not self-centered person and care about other people.
Can you tell us how your relationship with one of your best friends developed from the first time you met until recently? I know my best friend for many years since we were classmate in school. Since then, we have always keep in touch with each other and share our life experiences, as well as having fun together whenever we meet.
What conclusion would you draw from this unit? Is personality or appearance equally important to you in choosing a friend? While I agree that appearance is important, I believe personality is more important to me in choosing a friend.
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