SAT Vocabularies


Academic SAT vocabularies for the exam preparation. Includes 100+ words.
Indranil En
Flashcards by Indranil En, updated more than 1 year ago
Indranil En
Created by Indranil En over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ambivalent Having mixed or opposed feelings at the same time.
Anomaly Deviation from the norm or what is expected.
Anomalous Atypical, full pf anomalies.
Sardonic, Snide Mocking; derisive; Taunting and stinging.
Dearth, Paucity A scarcity or shortage of something.
Prattle To speak in a foolish manner To babble
Wry, Droll Dry; Humorous with a clever twist and a touch of an irony.
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