Latin Vocab


GCSE Latin Flashcards on Latin Vocab, created by georgieandbritz on 22/05/2013.
Flashcards by georgieandbritz, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by georgieandbritz almost 12 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
durus dura durum harsh, hard
nonnulli nonnullae some, several
nuper recently
adeptus adepta adeptum having received, having obtained
nox nocis night
precatus precata precatum having prayed (to)
parco parcere peperci spare
vito vitere vitavi vitatus avoid
incipio incipere incepi inceptus begin
fundo fundere fudi fusus pour
cura curae care
gero gerere gessi gestus wear
modus modi manner, way kind
nimium too much
umquam ever
auctoritas auctoritatis authority
humi on the ground
patefacio patefacere patefeci patefactus reveal
verum veri truth
interea meanwhile
pons pontis bridge
accido accidere accidi happen
aliquis someone
aperio aperire aperui apertus open
cogo cogere coegi coactus force, compel
extra outside
peritus perita peritum skilful
rursus again
suavis suave sweet
testis testis witness
lateo latere latui lie, hidden
autem but
dignitas dignitatis importance, prestige
scelestus scelesta scelestum wicked
explico explicare explicavi explicatus explain
aufero auferre abstuli ablatus take away, steal
commotus commota commutum moved, excited, upset
doceo docere docui doctus teach
num whether
praebeo praebere praebui offer, provide
quot? how many?
notus nota notum known, well-known famous
refero referre rettuli relatus bring back, carry
ardeo ardere arsi burn, be on fire
incendo incendere incendi incensus burn, set on fire
qualis quale what sort of
tantus tanta tantum so great, such a great
manus manus hand a band (of men)
gaudeo gaudere be pleased, rejoice
insidiae insidiarum trap, ambush
ac atque and
doleo dolere dolui hurt, be in pain
metus metus fear
quicquam (quidquam) anything
sic thus, in this way
spes spei hope
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