Ch. 3 India and Hinduism & Buddhism


Samaya Hill Ch. 3 voc
Ellianna Holland
Flashcards by Ellianna Holland, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by shill7338 about 9 years ago
Ellianna Holland
Copied by Ellianna Holland about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Himalay highest mountains in the world
Monsoon Seasonal wind pattern in southern Asia
Harappa Two of the ruins, about 400 miles (644 km) apart were sites of cities of Harappa and Mohenjo Dara. civilization flourished in these cities for hundred of years
Aryans moved south across the Hindu Kush mountains range into the plains of northern India
Sanskrit Indo - European language
Varnas social groups
Caste system in this system every Indian was believed to be born into a cast
Hinduism its origins in the religious beliefs of the Aryan people who settled in India Single force in the universe, a form of ulitmate reality or god, called Brahman. It was the duty of the individual self called the atman
Mandate of Heaven
Reincaration belief that individual soul is reborn in a different form after death
Karma force generated by a person's actions that determines how the person will be reborn in the next life
dlharma the divine law
Buddhism appeared in northern India and soon became a rival of Hinduism. The founder of Buddhism ( Siddharrha Gautama) Believed were simply illusions. The pain, poverty, and sorrow that afflict human beings are caused by attachment to things of this world.
Siddhartha Gautama known as the Buddha, or Enlightened
Nirvana ultimate reality the end of the self and a reunion with the self and reunion with the Great World Soul.
The Four Truths 1. Ordinary life is full of suffering 2. This suffering is caused by our desire to satisfy ourselves 3. The way to end suffering is to end desire for selfish goals and to see others as extensions of ourselves 4. The way to end desire is to follow the Middle Path.
The Eightfold Path 1. we need to know the Four Nobles Truths 2. We need to decide what we really want. 3. We need seek to speak well of others 4. The Buddha gives five precepts: Do not steal. DO not be unchaste. Do not take drugs and drink alcohol. 5. We must do not work that uplifts our being. 6. The Buddha said,"Those who follow the Way might well follow the example of an ox that arches through the deep mud carrying a heavy load. His is tired, but his steady, forward-looking gaze will not relax until he comes out of the mud. 7. we must keep our minds in control of our senses. " All we are is the result of the what we have thought.' 8. We must meditate to see the world in a new way.
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