Human Evolution


Degree Evolutionary Biology of Animals Flashcards on Human Evolution, created by katy.lynock on 22/05/2013.
Flashcards by katy.lynock, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by katy.lynock over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Out of Africa 7 First dispersal of Africa 100,000 years ago Mito genomes show movement of females Bedwin tribespeople >1 mitochondria types C trap - CCC amino acids Got copies of 8,9 and 10 Slippage in each person 50% of time
Genetic Marker 'Detective' Power 3 Mito DNA circular (if female and male, how line up to replicate) Unbroken link to ancestral grandmothers Autosomal DNA - equally from both parents
Neandertal Genomes 8 DNA difficult to extract from skulls - calcified, old, contamination Indicate neandertals interbreed with humans 10,000yrs ago 3 neandertal femurs - seq. 3bill nucleotides Made composite genomes Compared genomes with 5 contempory humans Europeans and Asians shared 1-4% of genomes with Neandertals Africans didn't = Neandertals interbreed when humans out of Africa
Neandertal Genomes 6 Share SNPs Relatively small number of genes differ between modern humans and Neandertals Genes linked with diabetes very different REPETIN - protein expressed in skin, sweat glands, hair roots and tongue papilli MELASTATIN - Protein helps maintain skin pigmentation Protein associated with type 3 diabetes
Neandertal Genomes 6 Share SNPs Relatively small number of genes differ between modern humans and Neandertals Genes linked with diabetes very different REPETIN - protein expressed in skin, sweat glands, hair roots and tongue papilli MELASTATIN - Protein helps maintain skin pigmentation Protein associated with type 3 diabetes
Denisovan Genome 6 Whole genome from frag of finger boe from Denisovan Cave Huge advance in sequencing tech Calc simularity to present day humans - 100,000 of yrs seperate Denisovans to modern people Didn't just mix with Neandertals but also Denisovans Population of Denisovans population size small
Population Mixing During the Norse Expansion 9 Very few mutations from Norse Expansion Analysis on frequency of different alleles and likely geographic ori. of alleles X chromo. associated with geographic location Global and sm scale patterns Y chromo. type 3 common in N. Scandinavia Come in from Asami people from Asia Y chromo. type 1 common in Ireland Europe - Haplogroup 16 common in different places
Viking Descendents in Iceland 4 33% of females have Nordic genes, rest British Isles 75% of males have Noridc genes, invasion and 'bad behaviour' Shetland and Orkneys - % similar for males and females = Viking arrived in family groups
Otzi the Iceman 11 Discovered in Alps Looked at - ori of flint of his axe Axe blade typology Pollen in digestive tract (what he ate) Help know if resident or traveller Otzi lived somewhere S of Alpine mountain chain Looked at isotopes in tooth enamel and bones (sig. of elements such as C, O and strontium) Teeth - tells you childhood diet Bones - where they lived Looked at DNA - acid hydrolyse if wet Otzi in dry conditions
Primate Data 4 Comparative analysis Evolution of brain size linked to number of social interactions Problem solving
Anthropology 10 Comparisons of human and chimp gene families At chromo. locations Olfactory Receptor - lots of genes that no longer work (junk) Diminished human olfactory capabilities Positive selection Better sight? No need for olfactory as language evolved MANY psuedogenes and FEWER active genes Bitter taste receptors - loss of function mutations Rotten fruit?
Linguistics 4 Indo-European language - origin during expansion of farming from Anatolia Diversification of language clades eg Balto-slovic, celtic, italic, germanic = Can't just be farming driving language
Human Population Molecular Markers 3 Blood group A more common in Scandenavia than Britain Look at blood groups for looking at migration/population expansion eg farming in Neolithic period PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS - looks for general trends
History of Modern Europeans 8 Genetic variation of Europeans - 120 differeny proteins Looked at principal components Spread of farming from Middle East Spreak of Uralic people and/or language to NE Europe Spread of pastoral nomads at end of farming expansion Greek colonisation in 1st million BC Retreat of bounding of Basque languages Not proved, just consistant
Interactions with Other Species 4 Commensal bacteria Heliobacter pylori Ancestoral strains of bacteria in each location (DNA analysis) Can see specific migrations
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