Midterm #1


ARTH70B, SEC03, FA2017
Justina Wong
Flashcards by Justina Wong, updated more than 1 year ago
Justina Wong
Created by Justina Wong about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Andrea Pisano, Door detail 1 "Salome takes head to Herodias," 1335 -- reliefs, south doors, Florence Baptistery -- gilded bronze -- quatrefoil (gothic style)
Andrea Pisano, Door detail 2 "Baptism of his disciples," 1335 -- reliefs, south doors, Florence Baptistery -- gilded bronze -- quatrefoil (gothic style)
Brunelleschi, Dome of Florence, 1436 -- worked with Ghiberti & ... -- talented architect
Brunelleschi, Ospedale degli Innocenti, 1444 -- had changes to design (not by him)
Brunelleschi, San Lorenzo, mid-15th century
Cimabue, "Virgin and Child Enthroned", c.1290-1300 (late 13th century) -- part of Santa Trinitá church in Florence -- Italy influenced by Byzantine art -- 1st painter of Renaissance style (characteristics) -- Italo-Byzantine style
Claus Sluter, Portal of Chartreuse de Champmol (Charter House), c. 1388-1410
Claus Sluter, "Well of Moses," 1406 -- actually a fountain
Donatello, "The Feast of Herod," c.1425 -- Sienna Cathedral -- optical illusion/realism -> pictorial space
Donatello, Patron "St. George," 1415 -- commissioned by guild of armorers & swordmakers in Florence
Duccio, "Annunciation of the Death of the Virgin," Maestá Altarpiece, 1308-11 -- Siena
Duccio, "Betrayal of Jesus," Maestá Altarpiece, 1308-11 -- Siena
Duccio, Maestá Altarpiece, 1311 -- Siena
Duccio, Raising of Lazarus, 1311
Fra Angelico, "The Annunciation," 1450 -- San Marco convent -- different capitals: Ionian vs. Corinthian -- mix various traditions: too large figures vs. environment; pointed Gothic arches vs. round arches
Ghiberti; (L) Brunelleschi (R), Sacrifice of Isaac; 1401 -- competition for east doors of Florence Baptistery
Ghiberti, "Gates of Paradise," 1452 -- main gate (east doors) of the Baptistery of Florence -- gilded = unified effect = golden illumination
Ghiberti, "Gates of Paradise," Story of Isaac and Sons detail, 1452
Giotto, Arena Chapel in Padua, 1306 -- shaped outlook of 14th century -- barrel-vault, cylindrical -- 38 panels, narrative scenes ** gothic style: to depict architecture smaller than actual (pictorial device)
Giotto, "Meeting of Joachim and Anna," Arena Chapel in Padua, 1305-6 -- gothic style (architecture size)
Giotto, "Kiss of Judas," Arena Chapel in Padua, 1306
Giotto, Arena Chapel of Padua, "Lamentation," c. 1304-6
Giotto, "Virgin and Child Enthroned," 1310 -- Florentine Church of Ognissanti -- 1st painter to place figures in illusional 3D space
Giovanni Pisano, "Annunciation," 1301 -- Sant'Andrea pulpit in Pistoia, Italy -- compared to father's (Nicola) pulpits
Hieronymus Bosch, "Garden of Earthly Delights Exterior," 1510
Hieronymus Bosch, "Garden of Earthly Delights Interior," 1510
Hubert and Jan van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece Exterior, 1432
Hubert and Jan van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece Interior, 1432
Hugo van der Goes, Portinari Altarpiece Exterior (closed frontispiece), 1476 -- commissioned by Medici Family Bank Bruges branch manager, Tommaso Portinari
Hugo van der Goes, Portinari Altarpiece, 1476 -- commissioned by Medici Family Bank Bruges branch manager, Tommaso Portinari
Jean Fouquet, "The Melun Diptych," 1455 -- realistic portrait of donors & their vision of Virgin/Christ -- earthly vs. divine -- diptych
Jan van Eyck, "Madonna with Chancellor Nicolas Rolin, 1437
Jan van Eyck, "Portrait of Man" or "Man in Red Turban", 1433 -- self-portrait?
Jan van Eyck, "Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife," 1434
Limbourg Brothers, Very Rich Book of Hours January, c. 1412-16 -- international Gothic style = idealized style -- patron, Duke of Berry
Limbourg Brothers, Very Rich Book of Hours February, c.1412-16 -- international Gothic style = idealized style -- patron, Duke of Berry
Lorenzetti, "Allegory of Good Government," c. 1337-40 -- panoramic mural in Sala della Pace (Hall of Peace) = city hall in Siena -- good gov. on lighted walls, bad gov. on shadowed walls
Mantegna, "Camera picta," 1474 -- portraiture -- to show the future generations the life of the past
Mantegna, "Camera picta" detail, 1474 -- illustionistic painting of oculus -- di sotto = from below upwards -- ultimate goal = preserve life
Masaccio, "Holy Trinity," 1428
Masaccio, "The Tribute Money," 1427
Master of Flémalle, Mérode Altarpiece (aka Annunciation Triptych), 1430
Melchior Broederlam, Dijon Altarpiece, 1349-99 -- triptych
Nanni di Bianco, "The Four Crowned Martyrs," 1417 -- harmony = parts as a whole
Nicola Pisano, "Annunciation," 1260 -- Pisa baptistery pulpit
Perugino, "Delivery of the Keys to St. Peter," 1481 -- linear persp -- ideal structures -- St. Peter's considered the first Pope
Piero della Francesca, "The Baptism of Christ," 1450 -- center of larger altarpiece -- mathematical linear persp = geometric clarity -- proportions etc = important -- contrapposto = part of both transient (right) & eternal (left) worlds
Piero della Francesca, "Portrait of Montefeltro," 1474 -- panoramic landscape (from N. Euro) -- profile views (in ref. to Roman coins)
Rogier van der Weyden, "St. Luke Drawing the Virgin," 1440
Rogier van der Weyden, "The Deposition," 1438 -- 2 diagonals; Mary imitates Christ's body -- feeling of compression = no space around; shallow depth
Uccello, "Battle of San Romano," 1440 -- New World of Renaissance -- solutions to linear perspective -- brilliance & decorative color instead of local color (intro to fantasy?) -- hinged perspective = using 2 diff. types
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