Cognitive Development


Flashcards on Cognitive Development, created by cassandrat on 09/07/2014.
Flashcards by cassandrat, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cassandrat over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Intellectual Growth Are those by which we get to know ourselves and our world: -Memory -Attention -Learning -Perception -Thought -Problem-solving
4 Stages of Cognitive Development 1. Sensorimotor stage(Birth-2 years) 2. Preoperational stage(2-7 years) 3. Concrete Operations stage(7-12 years) 4. Formal Operations stage(12 years upwards)
Sensorimotor stage Cognition closely tied to external stimulation “Thinking is doing” (cognition consists entirely of behaviour)
The idea that objects do not cease to exist when they are out of sight Object permanence
Birth – 3 months Look at visual stimuli Turn head towards noise
Follow moving objects with eyes Stares at place where object has disappeared,but will not search for object 3 months
5 months Grasp and manipulate objects Anticipate future position of objec
Searches for hidden object “A not B” effect 8 months
12 months Will search in the last place they saw the object
A mental representation or set of rules that defines a particular behaviour category. It helps us to understand current and future experiences. Schema formation
Assimilation The process by which new information is modified to fit in with an existing schema
The process by which an existing schema is modified or changed by new experience Accomodation
Representational Thought Ability to form mental representations of others’ behaviour. Occurs towards the end of the sensorimotor period.
Mental representation is instrumental in? -Imitation -Deferred imitation - A child’s ability to imitate the actions he or she has observed others perform in the past -Symbolic play -The use of words to represent objects
Preoperational stage -Ability to think logically as well as symbolically -Rapid development of language ability -Object Manipulation
The understanding that specific properties of objects (height, weight, volume, number) remain the same despite apparent changes or arrangement of those objects. Conservation
Egocentrism A child’s belief that others see the world in precisely the same way that he or she does
Concrete Operations stage -Ability to perform logical analysis -Ability to empathise with the thoughts/feelings of others -Understanding of complex cause-effect relations
-Abstract Reasoning -Metacognition -Dependent on exposure to principles of scientific thinking Formal Operations stage
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