Week 9 Reproductive and Oncology Pharmacology


Flashcards on Week 9 Reproductive and Oncology Pharmacology, created by Elizabeth Then on 05/10/2017.
Elizabeth Then
Flashcards by Elizabeth Then, updated more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Then
Created by Elizabeth Then over 7 years ago

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Question Answer
Oncology drug treatments most non-specific cytotoxics, will target normal as well as cancer cells cells most susceptible, rapidly dividing
Chemotherapy antibiotics activate immune system to target cancer cells
Combination chemotherapy almost always used 2-3 drugs together intermittently advantages: greater response rate, decrease side effects Disadvantages: more time receiving treatment
Breast cancer treatment Adjuvant chemotherapy is FEC-D 3 cycles of flurouracil, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide every 21 days adverse effetcs, bone marrow toxicity, renal and hepatic toxicity
Nursing staff in cancer treatment ensure safety and correct administration report adverse effetcs safety and handling of cytotoxic drugs psychological support for pts and families
Breast cancer treatments Oestrogen receptor modulators SERMS such as tamoxifen monoclonal antibody against HER2 - trastuzumab
Breast cancer treatments side effects chemotherapy resistance, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, malnutrition, anaemia
Female reproductive cycles- feedback control Oestrogen inhibits further FSH and LH release from anterior pituitary Progestrone inhibits GnRH, FSH, LH secretion from hypothalamus and pituitary Negative feed back cycles- key to effects of oral contraceptives
Oestrogens used clinically Primary hypogonadism- lack of ovary function Primary amenorrhoea- absence of menstruation Preventing ovulation- Oral contraceptive pill with progestin contraception- 20-50mcg/day Replacement therapy HRT- 5-20mcg/day
Oestrogens for contraception prevent ovulation natural and synthetic, 20-50mcg/day can be mono or multi-phasic
Oestrogen for post menopausal = HRT prevents vasomotor symptoms, and slows bone resorption 5- 10mcg/day= HRT, mixed results with benefits vs risks (breast cancer, blood clots)
Anti oestrogens used clinically cancer treatments- tamoxifen blocks oestrogen binding at breast tissue
Progestins used clinically contraception contraceptions with oestrogen (COC) or Progesterone only (mini pill) for when COC contraindicated = high BP, clot risk, older age, breast feeding, smoker, also high dose for emergency contraception
Combination oral contraceptive (COC) most effective form of contraception oestrogen and progestin 20-50mcg/day used in 21 days active tabs 7 days inactive tabs
Side effects of COC weight gain hypertension nausea flushing dizziness mood changes amenorrhoea
Male reproductive system controlled by hypothalamic GnRH= Increase FSH (Gametogenesis) LH (Sperm maturation), testosterone production Testosterone= muscle and bone growth
Androgen clinical uses Male hypogonadism, aplastic anaemia, wasting cachexic states, (e.g. cancer/AIDS) Anabolics
Anti- androgen clinical uses prostate cancer, stall precocious puberty
Adverse effects of androgens male and female men- testicular atrophy, steility, gynaecomastia Women- inhibition of ovulation, hirsutism, deepening of voice, alopecia, acne
Erectile dysfunction dues to age, loss of libido, medication, disease
Treatment of erectile dysfunction PDE inhibitors e.g. viagra (sildenafil, prolongs erectile vasodilatation and blood flow.
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