Chapter 9 Key Terms


These are the chapter 9 key terms from the Accounting Information Systems textbook.
Flashcards by SHAE ADAMS, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by SHAE ADAMS over 7 years ago

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access method technique used to locate records and navigate through a database
anomalies negative operational symptoms caused by improperly normalized tables
association relationship among record types
attributes equivalents to adjectives in the English language that serve to describe the objects
cardinality a numerical mapping between entity instances
centralized database database retained in a central location
composite key composed of two attributes: INVOICE NUM and PROD NUM
concurrency control a system that ensures that transactions processed at each site are accurately reflected in the database at all other sites
currency of information problem associated with the flat-file model because of its failure to update all the user files affected by a change in status; may result in decisions based on outdated information
data attribute the most elemental piece of potentially useful data in the database
data currency when the firm's data files accurately reflect the effects of its transactions
data definition language programming language used to define the database to the database management system
data dictionary description of every data element in the database
data manipulation language language used to insert special database commands into application programs written in conventional languages
data model blueprint for what ultimately will become the physical database
data redunacny state of data elements being represented in all user files
data storage efficient information system that captures and stores data only once and makes this single source available to all users who need it
data structures techniques for physically arranging records in a database
data updating periodic updating of data stored in the files of an organization
database administrator individual responsible for managing the database resource
database lockout software control that prevents multiple simultaneous access to data
database management system software system that controls access to the data resource
deadlock "wait" state that occurs between sites when data are locked by multiple sites that are waiting for the removal of the locks from other sites
deletion anomaly unintentional deletion of data from a table
distributed data processing reorganizing the IT function into small information processing units that are distributed to end users and placed under their control
distributed databases databases distributed using either the partitioned or replicated technique
first normal form low degree of normalization of relational database tables
flat-file file structure that does not support the integration of data
foreign key key that permits the physical connection of logically related tables to achieve the associations described in the data model
hierarchical indexed direct access method method in which the root segment of the database is organized as an indexed file
hierarchial model database model that represents data in a hierarchical structure and permits only a single parent record for each child
indexed sequential file sequential file structure accessed via an index
insertion anomaly unintentional insertion of data into a table
internal view physical arrangement of records in the database
inverted list cross-reference created from multiple indexes
join builds a new physical table from two tables consisting of all concatenated pairs of rows form each table
navigational models model that possesses explicit links or paths amoung data elements
network model variation of the hierarchical model
occurnence used to describe the number of instances or records that pertain to a specific entity
partial dependencies occurs when one or more nonkey attributes are dependent on (defined key) only part of the primary key rather than the whole key
partitioned database database approach that splits the central database into segments or partitions that are distributed to their primary users
physical database lowest level of the database containing magnetic spots on magnetic disks
primary key characteristics that uniquely identify each record in the table
project extracts specified attributes (columns) from a table to create a virtual table
relational model data model that is more flexible than traditional navigational models. It allows users to create new and unique paths through the database to solve a wide range of business problems
repeating groups database anomalies described above are symptoms of structural problems within tables
replicated databases database approach in which the central database is replicated at each site
restrict command to extracts specified rows from a specified table
schema description of the entire database
second normal form table that is free of both repeating group and partial dependencies
structured models the data elements for predefined structured paths
structured query language data processing tool for end users and professional programmers to access data in the database directly without the need for convential programs
task-data dependency user's inability to obtain additional information as his or her needs change
temporary inconsistency during accounting transactions, account balances pass through a state where the values are incorrectly stated
third normal form normalization that occurs by dividing an unnormalized database into smaller tables until all attributes in the resulting tables are uniquely and wholly dependent on the primary key
transitive dependencies a transitive dependency occurs in a table where nonkey attributes are dependent on another nonkey attribute and independent of the table's primary key
update anomaly unintentional updating of data in a table, resulting from data redundancy
user view set of data that a particular user needs to achieve his or her assigned tasks
users individuals who employ systems, receive information, and act on the information received
view integration combining the data needs of all users into a single schema or enterprise-wide view
view modeling determines the associations between entities and document them with an ER diagram
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