AG History, Chapter 6


AG History, Chapter 6, Questions 1-17
Julie Gholston
Flashcards by Julie Gholston, updated more than 1 year ago
Julie Gholston
Created by Julie Gholston almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1. What was the vision that Thomas Trask cast for the Assemblies of God? To be Pentecostal and for every church to experience revival.
2. According to Charles T. Crabtree, what should believers seek when they desire revival? Renewal and a revival of spiritual life and effectiveness. Instead of seeking for demonstrations, they should seek first of all for the reality of spiritual life in Jesus Christ and a new love and new dimension of spiritual effectiveness.
3. What benefits of reading and studying Psalms does George O. Wood identify? The Psalms can steady readers' lives and give them hope.
4. What five core values were on Wood’s heart when he came to the office of General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God? (1) Passionately proclaim, at home and abroad, by word and deed Jesus as Savior, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Soon Coming King; (2) Strategically invest in the next generation; (3) Vigorously plant new churches and revitalize existing ones; (4) Skillfully resource our Fellowship; (5) Fervently pray for God's favor and help as we serve Him with pur hearts and noble purpose.
5. What is the goal of the Church Transformation Initiative (CTI)? The goal of the CTI is to assist congregations in renewing their spiritual vitality and in reaching their full potential.
6. Why were the Faith and Science Conferences formed? They were formed to provide ministry leaders, teachers, students, and lay people with numerous resources to address science and faith issues in an era when congregations are becoming more and more scientifically literate.
7. General Treasurer Doug Clay has devoted himself to what cause? Clay is devoted to resourcing ministries and churches for health and growth.
8. What four core values did Zollie Smith envision as essential to operations of AGUSM? (1) Teamwork with communication excellence, (2) Excdellence with integrity, (3) Accountability with authenticity (4) Missional with vision.
9. What are the four new positions that were added to the Executive Presbytery, bringing the current number of positions to twenty-one? (1) an ordained minister under forty years of age, (2) an ordained female, (3) a minister from the Language Area - East Spanish region, and (4) an African-American minister.
10. Why did internal changes become necessary for the AG, and what were they? GPH had declining revenues, duplication of work among departments, and a lack of cohesion. Restructuring increased productivity. The headquarters complex name was changed to more accurately reflect its work. GPH broadened is market and added several new imprints.
11. How does the AG Alliance encourage interaction and growth among students and leaders of the colleges and universities? The Alliance organizes and leads annual and biennial events to help encourage interaction and growth among the students, faculty, and administrators at each of the schools. The Alliance joins the AG Executive Leadership in hosting a three-day faculty conference.
12. What agreements were made by the delegates who participated in the Memphis Manifesto? They agreed to work for evangelism and missions in justice and holiness, in spiritual renewal and empowerment, and in reconcilliation of all Christians regardless of race or gender.
13. Why did the Pensacola revival have more impact on the Assemblies of God? The Pensacola Outpouring influenced AG pastors and churches more than the Toronto blessing because the revival took place in an AG church, and it was enorsed by the denomination.
14. What are some of the ministries that were started during the Decade of Harvest that are still active today? Schools for training ministers in urban areas, Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, Doctor of Ministry programs at AGTS, and Assemblies of God Financial Solutions.
15. Besides thanking the Lord for the things He has done, what else was on the minds and hearts of the Centennial Celebration participants? Many speakers emphasized that much work remains for the church to do. Participants responded to that challenge with enthusiasm and expectancy for even greater global ministry in the next one hundred years.
16. When should a healthy church consider making changes? When it starts to increase in size or influence.
17. What was Wood’s response to the seeming decline in the number of people being baptized in the Holy Spirit? He said he believes many people are receiving Spirit baptism in small groups and those instances are not reported -- they are not reflected in statistics. Then he added that churches should do these things: (1) Teach about Spirit baptism; (2) make room in weekend worship services for people to receive the Baptism; and (3) Highlight the initial physical evidence as well as long-term substantive evidence.
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