Evaluate the Methodology Rosenhan


AS Psychology2 (Rosenhan) Flashcards on Evaluate the Methodology Rosenhan, created by sammi_taylor01 on 27/05/2013.
Flashcards by sammi_taylor01, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sammi_taylor01 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What five things would you use to evaluate the methodology of this experiment? ecological validity time validity internal reliability ethics sampling
ethics breaks lack of informed consent and lack of deception. did so in order for behaviours to be valid. participants were debriefed after the study and retrospective consent was gained.
ethics for the pseudopatients subject to harm as they were surrounded by mentally ill people, more likely to become mentally ill. also never lost their label even though symptoms were manipulated.
sampling technique opportunity sampling was used good- quick and easy bad- unrepresentative meaning results cannot be generalised to the target population
ecological validity high, carried out in real life hospitals meaning we can see the true diagnosis of mental illnesses and behaviours. good results can be generalised to the way we diagnose mental disorders
ecological counterargument however, manipulated the symptoms, misleading for the psychiatrists as they rely on verbal accounts
internal reliability high as all but one of the pseudopatients were diagnosed as having schizophrenia, suggesting the way we diagnose is reliable
internal reliability counterargument however, due to the study being independent measures it lacks internal validity. although R used inter-rater reliability to increase the reliability of results
Time validity Only carried out in 1973 and not been repeated, therefore lacks as it means we cannot generalise results to different time eras. also diff versions of the DSM meaning results cannot be generalised
time validity the diff versions of the DSM shows the way we diagnose mental disorders has changed,
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