C1 - Elements and Compounds


Element and Compound Basics
Jessie Howes
Flashcards by Jessie Howes, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessie Howes
Created by Jessie Howes almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does an element consist of? Atoms with the same atomic number
How can you tell what type of atom one is? The number of protons
What is an element? A substance with only one kind of atom (they all have the same number of protons)
What element does the symbol: C/O/Mg Represent C - Carbon O - Oxygen Mg - Magnesium
What's the symbol for Sodium/ Iron/ Lead Sodium - Na Iron - Fe Lead - Pb
What's an isotope? A form of the same element with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
What's different with an isotope - atomic or mass number? Mass number
What's relative atomic mass? The average mass of an element, taking abundance and different masses into account
What's the formula for calculating the relative atomic mass? Relative atomic mass = sum of (isotope abundance x isotope mass number) -------------------------------------------------------- Sum of abundances of all the isotopes
What are compounds? Substances formed from two or more elements that have in fixed proportions through the compound and chemical bonds
How are compounds formed? When elements react and atoms combine
How are bonds formed? Atoms giving away, taking or sharing electrons
What does a compound with a metal and non metal consist of? Ions
What is ionic bonding? When a non metal takes an electron from a metal. The metal is now a positive ion and the non metal is a negative ion. Opposite charges attract, so they're strongly attracted to each other
What is covalent bonding? When non metals bond, the atoms share electrons
True or false: The properties of a compound are the same as the properties of the original elements False - they're often totally different
How are compounds represented? Using a formula
What's the formula for: Ammonia, Calcium Chloride, Sodium Carbonate and Sulfuric Acid Ammonia - NH₃ Calcium Chloride - CaCl₂ Sodium Carbonate - Na₂CO₃ Sulfuric Acid - H₂SO₄
What is CO₂, H₂O, NaCl, CO, HCl CO₂ - Carbon Dioxide H₂O - Water NaCl - Sodium Chloride CO - Carbon Monoxide HCL - Hydrochloric Acid
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