Basic German grammar and sentence structure.


Flashcards on Basic German grammar and sentence structure., created by pheebzda on 03/08/2014.
Flashcards by pheebzda, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pheebzda over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the "definite article" the definite article is used for specific objects - in english it is 'the'. In german it is der (masc), die (fem) or das (neuter)
What is the indefinite article? The indefinite article is used to talk about general objects - in english we say 'a' or 'an'. In german it is 'ein' (masc), eine (fem) ein (neuter).
Where does the verb go when talking about the future. "Ich werde...." The verb is sent to the end of the sentence.
Where does the verb go when talking about the present tense? "Ich..." the verb is at the beginning of the sentence.
Where does the verb go in the past tense? The verb goes at the end of the sentence.
What does 'conjugate' the verb mean? And when is it used? To conjugate a verb in german means to change the verb according to who is speaking, ie 1st, 2nd or 3rd person. the endings differ from -e, -st,-t, -en. It is used in present tense.
What is the 'auxiliary verb'? the auxiliary verb in german is either sein or haben
What is the Nominative? Nominative refers to the subject of the sentence, the person that is doing the action, 'ich' 'du' 'Bob' etc
What is the accusative? The accusative is used for the direct object and object of the preposition (under, on, next to etc). Accusative being 'in das' or abbreviated to 'ins'.
What is the Dative? The dative is used for the indirect object, 'in dem' or abbreviated to 'im'.
what are the articles when used the accusative? Den (masc) Die (fem) Das (neuter)
What are the articles when using dative? Dem (masc) der (fem) den (neuter)
What is a conjunction? A word used to link 2 or more sentences together, in german for example. 'weil' which means because.
What is a subordinate conjunction? It joins a subordinate clause to another sentence where it would otherwise not make sense alone.
When using a conjuction where does the verb go in the sentence? It is sent to the end.
What is the 'TMP' rule? Time, manner, place. For example, 'Erik kommt heute mit der Bahn nach Hause."
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