Metabolic Pathways- Cell Metabolism


Highers Biology (Metabolic Pathways) Flashcards on Metabolic Pathways- Cell Metabolism, created by q w on 01/11/2017.
q w
Flashcards by q w, updated more than 1 year ago
q w
Created by q w over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cell Metabolism the term used to describe all of the integrated, enzyme controlled reactions which take place in a living cell
Catabolic Pathways Break down complex molecules into simple building blocks and releases energy
Anabolic Pathways Builds up complex molecules from simple molecules and requires energy
Metabolic Pathways Can feature reversible and irreversible steps, contains alternative routes to bypass other stages
Membrane bound compartments Metabolic pathways are localized here
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts double membranes, the inner membrane acting highly metabolic
What does the large surface to volume ratio of organelles allow? Efficient exchange of materials between the organelles and their surroundings
What do the small compartments provide? favorable conditions for reactions to take place by allowing high concentrations of reactants to occur which results in a higher reaction rate
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