Crime and Punishment: Medieval Crimes and Criminals


Questions created from the text of the recommended OCR Crime and Punishment text book
Michael Sessions
Flashcards by Michael Sessions, updated more than 1 year ago
Michael Sessions
Created by Michael Sessions over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are serious crimes called? Felonies
What are less serious crimes also called? Petty crimes
Name three types of serious crime. Arson, Rape, Counterfeiting, Treason, Homicide, Larceny, Robbery, Burglary.
King Edward passed a law in 1275 that said a person could be hanged for stealing if the value of the goods was worth more than? 12d
Medieval homicide verdicts could fall into 5 categories. What are they? "Justifiable homicide Homicide in self defence Accidental Homicide Suicide Murder"
All sudden deaths in medieval England had to be reported to who? The Coroner
Records suggest that over half of medieval homicides stemmed from what? Arguments
During what time of the year did arguments and thefts increase in medieval England? Harvest time
What was considered both a serious crime and sin by the Church? Suicide
Name two types of new crime that appeared from 1350-1400. "Scolding Vagrancy"
Which criminals ambushed travellers and robbed houses in the 15th century? Outlaw gangs
The church took action against gambling for money and homosexuality, what did they refer to these crimes as? Moral Crimes
The church also dealt with heresy. What is heresy? The spreading of false Christian beliefs
What is Treason? crimes against authority.
At the end of the 1400s which two groups were accused of committing crimes that abused authority? Lords and retainers
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