Separating mixtures-C2


GCSE Chemistry Flashcards on Separating mixtures-C2, created by Alex Ellson on 03/11/2017.
Alex Ellson
Flashcards by Alex Ellson, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex Ellson
Created by Alex Ellson over 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Pure substance A pore substance is like gold. Gold only has one element which makes it a pure substance
Mixtures A mixture contains elements or compounds that are not chemically joined together. You can use physical processes to separate them into substances
Chromatography Separate liquids of different colours. Inks paints and foods often contain mixtures of coloured compounds. Chromatography is used to find out which coloured compounds and mixture contains
Distillation Separate liquids with different boiling points. Distillation can be used to separate compounds with different boiling points. This includes a liquid from dissolved solids and different liquids. Simple distillation evaporate to solvent away leaving the solute. The vapour is then condensed and collected
Filtration Separate a solid from a liquid. Filters can be used to separate some mixtures. They looked smaller pieces for liquids through but try bigger pieces or insoluble substances.
Solution A mixture of a solute and solvent
Solute A dissolved substance
Solvent The liquid a substance dissolved in
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