Simile, Metaphor or Neither?


Flashcards on Simile, Metaphor or Neither?, created by S Morley on 04/11/2017.
S Morley
Flashcards by S Morley, updated more than 1 year ago
S Morley
Created by S Morley over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
"Her skin glows like the moon at nighttime" Simile
"The furniture is gorgeous" Neither!
"Alex is as tall as Rachna" Neither!
"He's got fire in his belly" Metaphor
"He's as cool as a cucumber" Simile
"It's ten miles to the station" Neither!
"I was on a rollercoaster of emotions" Metaphor
"The twins' eyes are a silvery blue" Neither!
"I'm as serious as death itself!" Simile
"She's got a really bubbly personality" Metaphor
"James looks a lot like Phil" Neither!
"They were glued to their seats watching 'Stranger Things' on Netflix" Metaphor
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