Expressões em inglês #2


English Expressions - Expressões em inglês
Eduardo .
Flashcards by Eduardo ., updated more than 1 year ago
Eduardo .
Created by Eduardo . over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
As it is able to Já que é capaz, uma vez que é capaz, já que tem a capacidade *As it is able to store and process, the computer brings about great convenience and high efficiency
Even more so mais ainda, mais do que isso, ainda mais *Even more so, although it is true that computers can make decisions, they inevitably need detailed instructions and programs prepared by humans to operate
As for her Quanto a ela *As for Katrina, her mother and father gave her a big wedding
It is worth stating vale dizer que, é bom dizer que, vale a pena dizer que *It is worth stating that these old three men were all in love with widow Wycherly.
They had once been ele tinha uma vez, eles estavam uma vez *And they had once been on the point to kill each other because of her.
Such a way de tal maneira *The three men started to behave in such a way that proved the magic os the fountain of youth.
Push myself Me esforçar *I´ll push myself so I can get there.
He motioned for them Ele fez sinal para eles *He motioned for them to sit down
To realize Perceber *They realized that somebody was really knocking on their door.
a little bit um pouquinho
a lot better muito melhor
a lot worse muito pior
a great many muitíssimo
a moment ago a um momento atrás
above all acima de tudo
act you age nao seja infantil
all day long o dia todo
beyond a shadow of doubt sem sombra de dúvida
Everybody says so Todos falam assim
hand in hand de maos dadas
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