Parts of a Computer


Parts of a computer
Judy Stephenson
Flashcards by Judy Stephenson, updated more than 1 year ago
Judy Stephenson
Created by Judy Stephenson over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Used for entering information into the computer. It contains many letters, numbers and symbols. Keyboard
A machine that copies the information from your computer on to paper. Printer
Used for navigating and clicking on the computer screen. Single and double clicks are used for different functions. Mouse
This part looks like a TV screen and shows you what you are doing on your computer. Monitor
A machine that copies things on paper or in books and then turns them into information that is understood by the computer. Scanner
This is the part of the computer that reads the information stored on the CDs we insert into it. Examples: music, games and programs. C D- Rom Drive
This can hold lots of information. It can hold programs, music and work that you have done. Compact Disc C D
This is where we plug our computers into our network. This makes them all connected. Data panel
This screen acts like a tv. What is on a computer screen is on the board. It can be controlled by using your finger or a digital pen. Interactive Panel
This sends out signals to connect computers to the network without using a wire or network point. Wireless Access Point WAP
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