SB History - King John


History Flashcards on SB History - King John, created by Seth Bailey on 11/14/2017.
Seth Bailey
Flashcards by Seth Bailey, updated more than 1 year ago
Seth Bailey
Created by Seth Bailey almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why did John raise taxes in England? To pay for the wars
Who did it upset when John raised the taxes? Why did it upset them? Barons • He ordered the Barons to pay more taxes than any other King had. • Some Barons paid less than others if John liked them
What nickname did the Barons give King John? Why? Softsword + Lackland He was no good in battle He lost the land his father got
What did King John loose when he went to war against France? Almost all the land his Father, Henry II had gained in France
How many times did John go to war against the French? Did he win? Twice No
What did King John argue with the Pope about? How to run the church
From and until what years were all church services banned? Why did this worry people? 1208 - 1213 (you + Dot - you + you next year) They thought they would go to hell because they weren't going to church
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