IT revision cards


All of IT
amelia sheardown
Flashcards by amelia sheardown, updated more than 1 year ago
amelia sheardown
Created by amelia sheardown over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Main Frame Computers -They don't work as a single computer Hundreds of computers working at the same time -Usually in banks, insurance firms, utility companies where data has to be processed quickly
Super Computers -Much faster than mainframe computers -Used in universities for research tasks to model complex calculations
Embedded Computers -Much slower and scaled down -Only used to perform 1 or 2 functions e.g. traffic lights, music players
Input -Entering data into a computer system
Processing -Data is converted from one form to another
Output -When the results of processing are shown
Quantum Cryptography -Done by computers through the law of physics and is designed to scramble and encrypt the code of a message
Storage -When data is kept or recorded while waiting to be used
What does BIOS stand for and what is its purpose ? -Basic Input and Output System -BIOS is the start up of the computer
Username and Password -A username is what makes your account unique and easy to identify -A password is what makes your account secure
NIC A NIC (Network Interface Card) is what allows a computer to connect to a network
LAN and WAN -A LAN (Local Area Network) is a network server normally used in homes and tends to be private -A WAN (Wide Area Network) is a network server normally used in large companies and buildings and tends to be open to the public
Network Topologies -The way a network of computers are connected
Cloud Computing -Cloud computing is a shared area within a network that allows you to store and upload files so if your device was to fail they would still be backed up in the cloud
ICT helping modern living -ICT helps us with many factors in modern living: -Movement of cars can me monitored or controlled -Traffic lights -Railway trains -Airlines used RFID chips to track and trace baggage -Surveillance -Communications
Voice Recognition - When the computer recognises your voice and you are inputting an action with your voice
Voice Synthesis -When the computer speaks to you or reads out to you
Puff-Suck Switch -A way for people that cannot use their arms to control the computer with a computerised switch that recognises different movements from your mouth to do different actions of the computer
Foot Mouse -A piece of hardware used to control the computer for people who cannot used their arms to type or use a mouse
Head Pointers -A device that goes on your head that you can use to point at and control the actions of the computer with just movement of your head
How ICT has impacted the environment ? -Power/Electricity from production can produce harmful gases and fuels into the atmosphere -Raw materials are non-renewable and will eventually run out -Disposal can endanger the environment the old devices ten to go to land fills which endangers the environment -Deployment/Transportation damages the environment through the emissions of the vehicles during the transport of the devices -Recycling of the technology is now helping the environment -Advances in technology means that we can monitor the environment using sensors, satellites and data logging equipment -Deployment
Data Protection Act 1. Personal data must be fairly and lawfully processed 2. Data must be processed for limited processes 3. Personal data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive 4. Personal data must be accurate and up to date 5. Personal data must not be kept longer than necessary 6. Personal data must be processed in line of your rights 7. Personal data must be kept secure 8. Personal data must not be transferred to other countries outside of the European economic areas
Network -When computers are connected together so that they can share data and devices such as printers, they are said to be a computer network
Interface -This is where data is transferred between computer devices or between people and computer devices
USB Interface -The Universal Serial Bus interface was designed for PC's to connect printers, keyboards and flash drives
Peripheral Devices -Any device which is not part of a computer but is attached to a computer, These include scanners and printers
CPU Central Processing System -The processing in computer systems is carried out by the CPU, the CPU is a collection of electronic circuits that carry out the instructions o a program
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