Question | Answer |
it was sort of like | Era um tipo de / "meio" que *It was sort of like Google in paperback |
by the time | no momento em que / no tempo *By the time he spent a long time finishing his job, he have constructed a great planning |
from time to time | de vez em quando *We go to the beach from time to time. |
do time | cumprir pena *It’s not easy to find a job after you’ve done time. |
on time | no horário, pontualmente *I got to school on time. |
for a while | algum tempo *I’m going out for a while. |
a while back | há algum tempo atrás, uns tempos atrás |
Let´s get started | Vamos começar *Let´s get started from the beginning, in order to put things on a straight line. |
Right from the start | logo no começo / bem do começo *Right from the start he did some unusual things, like jump in a single leg. |
the right way around/up | na posição correta *The lid has to go on the right way around or it won’t fit. *Keep the bottle the right way up. |
take into account | Levar em consideração *A good architect takes account of the building’s surroundings. |
on no account | em hipótese alguma *On no account must these records be changed. |
get to do something | ter a chance de fazer algo, chegar a fazer algo *I never got to meet her. |
get someone/something to do something | conseguir com que alguém/algo faça algo *I can’t get my computer to work! *I got my dad to pick me up from the station. |
get something done | fazer algo / realizar algo *Could you get the kids dressed? *I need to get my hair cut. |
get caught / bitten / etc. | ser pego, picado, etc. por algo *He got killed in the war. |
get to the bottom of a matter | Ir direto ao que importa |
either way | de qualquer modo *Either way, you will restore its functionality at only half the price. |
from scratch | do começo / do início / do princípio *The course will take place from scratch. |
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