History Revision No.1(1st term)


This is from Belinda He for HISB 7H's History Revision of the Battle of Hastings. copyright@FunnyBanana05 Copying only with permission, talk to me or email Yahan2005@126.com
He Belinda
Flashcards by He Belinda, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ada Liu
Created by Ada Liu over 6 years ago
He Belinda
Copied by He Belinda over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cause The reason something happened
Chronicle a real written account of an event in chronological order
Compromise An agreement or settlement of an dispute that is reached by both sides making concessions
Concentric 1. Con - together 2. centric - center Two topics having the same center, point.
Consequence The problem that was caused by something.
Interpretation Explaining the meaning of something ( e.g. text, article, newsprint...)
Monarch A supreme head of state, usually a king, queen or emperor
Normandy Where King William King of England came from. A former province of northwest France with a coastline on the English Channel.
Why was there a battle? The king could not produce a son so he had to crown someone else.He promissed William first that he'll be the next king.The Godwinson family wasn't happy because they are wealthy and deserved to be the king.Most saxon people agreed with the Godwinson family.So after he died, creating a power vacuum so anyone can take the spot so they fight.
Why did the Normans win the Battle of Hastings? Firstly, they had the support of god(according to the pope)so people are not afraid to die because they can go to heaven. Secoundly, they have more powerful army. Thirdly, they did a false retreat that made some of the foot man chase after them.Now the Saxons are on a open field which makes it dead easy for the calvary to attack.
How did the Normans Prepare? The Normans prepared boats and a powerful army with great tactics. PS: They have cavalries, achers & infantry.
Why were the English were not ready ? Firstly, Harold Godwinson took a battle with Harald Hardraada and because of that he lost most of his best fighters. Secoundly, many of his man were left behind on the journey to the south because they couldn't keep up.
What happened in the battle? Harolds army took place on the top of Senlac hill for advantage.Their plan was to stay there and defend the Normans until the Normans run out of supply.However, the Normans did a false retreat and some of the Saxons followed them to make the Saxons at a open field.(Making it easier for the Normans more easier to attack with cavalries and archers, the infantry will block the Saxons.)
What were the key reasons why the Normans won? The battle started when Harold has not completely recovered from the tiredness. William's army arrived before Harold arrived so his army can get familiar with the tactics on the senlac hill.Not in the least, many people in Harold's army got tricked by the false retreat so the cavalry can attack easily.
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