Biology B1.3 A - Testing choices


GCSE Biology (B1 - You & your genes) Flashcards on Biology B1.3 A - Testing choices, created by lily bevan on 01/12/2017.
lily bevan
Flashcards by lily bevan, updated more than 1 year ago
lily bevan
Created by lily bevan over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is cystic fibrosis? An inherited disease caused by a genetic variant of the CFTR gene.
What does cystic fibrosis cause? Big problems for breathing and digestion as cells that make mucus in the body don't work properly, making it a lot thicker, causing it to block up the lungs.
What is the name given to the parents of children with CF? They are carriers.
How could gene technology/ testing help make decisions about inherited diseases? They can test if peopler carriers of harmful variants.
What does the size of a risk depend on? + The chance of it happening + The consequences if it did happen
What is an amniocentesis test? Testing the cells from the amniotic fluid
What is a Chronic villus test? testing the cells from the placenta.
When can an amniocentesis test happen, & what are the risks? + @ 15 - 18 weeks + 0.5% risk of miscarriage + very small risk of infection + small risk of incorrect result
When can a chronic villus test happen, & what are some risks? + @ 10 - 12 weeks + 2% risk of miscarriage + almost no risk if infection + small risk of incorrect result
What do people take into account when making ethical choices? (i.e. abortion) + quality of life + disability + personal beliefs
What is a false negative? Where a test fails to detect the presence of a harmful genetic variant when it is present.
What is a false positive? Where a test diagnoses a harmful genetic variant when it is not present.
What is pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) Eggs are removed from mother's ovaries and fertilised w/ the father's sperm in a laboratory. When the embryos are 3-6 days old, a cell is removed from each embryo, & tested for harmful genetic variants. An embryo w/out harmful variant is selected and implanted in the uterus.
What are the risks of PGD + collecting eggs is difficult & unpleasant for the woman + the fertilisation & implantation does not always work + removing a cell from an embryo might weaken it + there is a chance of a false result
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