Lectures 4 & 5 & 6 PMB


Candice Young
Flashcards by Candice Young, updated more than 1 year ago
Candice Young
Created by Candice Young almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
gene segment of DNA that encodes a functional product along with the regions that regulate its expression
Open Reading Frame (ORF) stretch of DNA from start to stop codons that encodes a protein
mutation permanent, HERITABLE alteration in base sequence of DNA
allele one of many alternative forms of a gene, think WT vs Mutant type
genotype nucleotide sequence of genome/gene in question
phenotype visible or measurable property conferred by a genotype
If asking: What GENES cause this PHENOTYPE? take WT cells with normal phenotype X --> mutagenize cells --> Isolate X- mutants --> locate mutations in genome (yfg-Z) --> infer genes yfg-Z involved in generating normal phenotype X
Selectable mutations confer a distinct GROWTH ADVANTAGE on mutant strain under some condition Ex: antibiotic or bacteriophage resistance
Non-selectable mutations do NOT confer a growth advantage, though may result in some other clear change Ex: Histidine auxotrophs, Lac- mutants that cant grow with only lactose in medium, Mot- mutants that can't swim, differently colored mutants
auxotroph mutants that can't make a certain product and rely on this product to grow (must be fed it) Ex: His- mutants
Selection establish conditions where only the MUTANTS you want will GROW --> parent strain and all unrelated mutants die Ex: antibiotic/bacteriophage resistance mutagenize --> spread 10^8 survivors on plate --> 1-100 colonies will grow in selective conditions
selection: pros and cons Pros: very efficient! can select desired mutants from HUGE pops of undesired Cons: not always possible, can't select for something that causes a growth disadvantage or death
Screen after mutagenesis, grow ALL survivors under PERMISSIVE conditions --> then test all survivors for growth/behavior under NON-PERMISSIVE conditions --> replica plate to find mutants with desired trait Ex: can't grow without specific nutrient, loss of motility, can't grow at a specific temperature
Screen: pros and cons Pros: Only option if phenotype involves a LOSS of normal abilities Cons: ALL survivors of mutagenesis must first be grown as independent colonies before they can be tested (takes a LOT more plates and time), generally less powerful evidence
Replica plating use in a SCREEN to identify mutants with desired phenotype 1) grow all mutants as single colonies in permissive conditions --> 2) print colonies on non-permissive plate and permissive plate --> 3) blank spaces on NON-permissive represent desired mutants!!
essential gene Gene whose functions is required under all known GROWTH conditions Ex: DNA replication, tx, tl, cell division, chromosome segregation --> can only isolate mutations in essential genes by SCREENING for conditional loss-of-function mutants
How to screen for a conditional loss of function mutant screen for temperature-sensitive (ts) mutations: protein has an amino acid substitution (caused by a missense mutation) that causes it to work CORRECTLY at the LOW (permissive) temperature and FAIL at the HIGH (nonpermissive) temp --> then examine ts mutants for desired phenotype
mutation rate probability that a given gene will acquire a mutation in one generation can be increased 10-1000X by MUTAGENS (ie: chemicals/radiation)
spontaneous mutations arise from errors in DNA replication; each gene has about a one-in-a-million chance of being mutated each cell division --> bacterial cultures can have >108 cells/ml --> many mutants likely present
microlesions base pair substitutions, small insertions/deletions
macrolesions large deletions, insertions, duplications, or inversions (Ex: TRANSPOSONS)
Mutagenesis increase the rate of mutation using mutagens --> increase our chances of finding desired mutants Mutagens can be chemicals, radiation, or transposons
Chemical Mutagens: Nucleotide Base Analogs create mutations when incorporated into DNA during replication look like A/C/T/G --> create single-base substitutions in rounds of replication 5-bromouracil: looks like T, bond w/ A or G 2-aminopurine: looks like A, bond w/ T or C
UV radiation ATAT pyrimidine dimers form from UV light --> UV damage detected by RecA which induces SOS response!
SOS response system translesion synthesis: polymerase synthesizes DNA from a template containing pyrimidine dimers (which can't base-pair normally) --> UmuCD polymerase adds RANDOM bases across from the lesion --> mutations
transposons mobile DNA elements, occur naturally move from place to place in the genome --> can be used to create random mutations target DNA doesn't matter, it jumps RANDOMLY will cause a loss of function mutation wherever it jumps
transposase recognizes inverted repeat sequences (IR) --> cuts at ends of transposase gene + cuts the target DNA --> ligates into new site *each transposase is specific to own IRs, movement will not affect other transposons!*
Engineered Transposons: Requirements 1) Transposase OUTSIDE mini Tn 2) Antibiotic resistance gene INSIDE mini-Tn 3) Plasmid cannot replicate in the host strain to be mutagenized must be able to only jump ONCE, can't replicate in offspring
Why can't the inserted mini-Tn not move again? the transposase was only encoded on the plasmid!! this isn't transferred to cells after division
advantage of Tn mutagenesis mutated gene is easy to identify: since we know the mini-Tn sequence --> design DNA primers to locate site of insertion, will read out whatever DNA you want
genetic exchange How bacteria acquire new genes from the environment/from other bacteria
horizontal gene transfer NATURAL genetic exchange among bacterial strains/species Use to: 1) to identify affected genes in mutants (complementation) 2) engineer bacteria w/ desired properties
transformation (natural) transfer of genetic material from one bacterium into another DNA acquired by transformation, binds to protein and becomes ss --> RecA nicks chromosome, makes a ss segment --> ss DNA combined with ss chromosome --> homologous recombination --> integrated DNA replaces similar genes
Griffith experiment S cells = virulent; R cells = avirulent heat killed S-cells --> healthy mouse live S-cells --> dead mouse live R-cells --> healthy mouse Live R + killed S cells --> dead mouse --> something could transfer the genes of dead S cells to living R cells!!
F plasmid used during conjugation; plasmid that undergoes homologous recombination tra = genes involved in conjugative transfer, transferred last oriT sequence = origin of transfer during conjugation
homologous recombination physical exchange between two highly similar DNA molecules can NOT be used to integrate entirely foreign DNA into bacterial chromosome, because no homology! ssb, RecA, RecBCD, RuvABC proteins mediate process
competence ability of cells to take up free DNA, can be INDUCED by incubating cells w/ high conc. of Ca++ or by electroporation --> increase cell permeability + allow uptake of DNA --> can introduce non-homologous, replicating plasmids to any cell
Plasmid circular genetic element that replicates independently of the chromosome; contain NO essential genes; small; replicates by normal cellular machinery
conjugation DNA transfer requires cell-cell contact (using a F PILUS); mediated by F plasmid --> encodes proteins that catalyze its own transfer F+ cell donates to F- cell --> both become F+
tra regions of F plasmid contain genes necessary for F plasmid to be self- transmissible transferred last
oriT region origin of replication, where mobilization of F plasmid starts
oriV region allows plasmid replication within the host, without transfer
transposons/IRs in F plasmid help mediate integration into host chromosome
Why would we use bacterial conjugation? 1) Transfer a plasmid that WILL REPLICATE 2) Transfer a plasmid that WILL NOT REPLICATE (intending some of DNA transferred is integrated into chromosome by homologous recombination 3) Transfer plasmid w/ engineered transposon --> mutagenize recipient strain
transduction phage-mediated (often specific) transfer of genes between bacterial chromosomes 1) Phage attacks, injects its DNA 2) Host chromosome cut into pieces 3) New phage proteins/DNA made -->DNA packaged into phage particles 4) RARE packaging of host chromosome fragment; creates a transducing particle
transducing particle when host chromosome fragment is packaged into a viral transducing particle- **RARE** this fragment will be transferred to recipient + incorporated into recipient chromosome by homologous recombination IF donor & recipient bacteria have similar enough DNA
transductants the product of homologous recombination in a recipient cell with a transducing particle --> this REPLACES some old part of the host chromosome
Why use transduction? to transfer mutations from one bacterial chromosome directly to the chromosome of another strain
How to combine two mutations in the chromosome of one bacterial strain USE TRANSDUCTION --> take one cell w/ KmR tn insertion in yfgA gene, another w/ point mutation in yfgB gene --> infect yfgA::Tn strain w/ phage and harvest all phage after cell lysis --> tiny fraction has original host DNA w/ the tn --> infect yfgB mutant w/ phage harvested from yfgA --> plate cells on medium w/ antibiotic to select for double mutant --> observe consequences of both mutations
Why would we want to express a particular gene from a plasmid in a bacterial host? (think: how could we understand a particular gene's function?) 1) To try moving the gene around to a different species or type of mutant 2) To express a different allele of the gene than the WT 3) To complement genomic mutation with the WT allele of the gene on a plasmid 4) Change the regulation of the gene (turn it off/on, increase its expression level)
complementation getting a mutant phenotype to be expressed using some sort of gene carried on a plasmid
How to find affected gene when using UV or chemical mutagenesis Make a genomic library: isolate genomic DNA from WT parent & break it up using restriction enzymes --> ligate fragments into plasmid that CAN replicate in strain of choice --> have mixture of plasmids, each one containing a diff seg of chromosome THEN : Select for presence of the plasmid --> select/screen for colonies that have WT phenotype RESTORED --> means this corresponds to mutated site in chromosome
When to use RANDOM mutagenesis when I don’t know AT ALL what genes are involved in my process of interest OR when I have no sequence information --> use chemical mutagens, UV radiation, transposon
When to use TARGETED mutagenesis when you have candidate genes to test --> use sequence information of genes you are targeting or the whole genome sequence
targeted gene disruption 1) PCR some known gene (orfA) + surrounding region, clone into a plasmid 2) Cut gene (orfA) with restriction enzymes 3) Replace internal region w/ antibiotic resistance gene (Kan^R) (leave 500-1000 bp of sequence at each end so that homologous recombination can occur!)
How to transform some competent bacterium with a knockout plasmid 1) linearize modified plasmid with some restriction enzyme OR 1) use a modified plasmid that doesn't replicate in the host you are making the KO --> antibiotic resistance conferred by recombination of disrupted gene/tn into chromosome
When does targeted gene disruption NOT work? --> when the gene you disrupt is ESSENTIAL
How would we learn the null phenotype of an essential gene? make plasmid w/ essential gene driven by inducible promoter (ts) --> transform plasmid into host strain and keep gene ON using some inducer --> w/ plasmid gene ON, knock out chromosomal copy of the gene using targeted gene disruption --> when plasmid gene the only copy, turn OFF by removing the inducer --> wait for the existing protein to be turned off --> observe cells to see what happens in the absence of the essential gene/protein
inducible promoters encode proteins that are needed in the cell only under specific conditions EX: Caulobacter senses xylose --> Pxyl promoter turns on genes (xylXABC) to use xylose as C source can be put in front of any gene of interest to turn on/off and observe consequences!
Forward genetics Make RANDOM mutations (chemical mutagens, UV radiation, transposons) --> select or screen through many mutants to find ones with correct phenotype "what gene did we affect to get some trait?"
Reverse genetics Make TARGETED mutations in some gene of choice --> test each mutant in a set of not too many mutants for the desired phenotype "what trait will we affect if we change this gene?"
To mutate a known gene using a transposon select mutants that had received a transposon --> select or screen for mutants with your desired PHENOTYPE *no homology required, no need for RecA protein (transposase is the catalyst instead)*
Transposon Mutagenesis vs Targeted gene disruption both cause a knock out mutation BUT tn: RANDOM, know the phenotype, no homology required, uses transposase, have IRs at ends TGD: NOT random, don't know the phenotype,
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