BECS1-Marketing, Market Research and Promotion


The main facts you need to know for Marketing in English.
Virginia Vidal
Flashcards by Virginia Vidal, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by kathrynchristie almost 10 years ago
Copied by emily.mckechnie almost 10 years ago
Virginia Vidal
Copied by Virginia Vidal about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is primary market research? Original data that the company has collected themselves for a specific purpose. PROS- relevant & up to date CONS- Time consuming & expensive
What is secondary market research? The processing and use of data that has already been collected. Also known as desk research. PROS- Cheap & quick CONS- may be irrelevant, outdated and biased.
Methods of Market research? >Surveys >Focus groups >Interviews >Test Marketing
What are the two types of sampling? Random (everyone has an equal chance of being selected) Quota (a specific number of people are chosen using a specific criteria)
What is a highly-compeditive industry? One in which a large number of relatively small firms offer similar products .
What is a highly-concentrated industry? One that is dominated by a small number of large firms.
What does level of competition depend on? >The number of firms and their relative size >The extent to which products from each firm are similar >How easy it is to enter or leave the industry
What are the indicators of level of competition? >Measures of market share and market competition >Measuring the entry and exit from the industry >Measuring customers switching behaviour
How can a company outdo its competition? >Reducing price >Improving quality >Product differentiation >Advertising
What is marketing? The process involved in putting the right product, in the right place, at the right time, at the right price.
What is the marketing mix? Price Product Promotion Place
What does price depend on? >The type of product >Level of competition >Cost to produce the product >The price customers are willing to pay
What are the pricing strategies? >Competitive pricing >Cost plus pricing >Penetration Pricing >Predatory/destroyer pricing >Psychological Pricing
What are the main stages in a product life cycle? Development Introduction Growth Saturation and Maturity Decline
What is the saturation point? A point in which sales are at their peak and very few new customers can be found.
How can you extend the life of a product? >Modifying product >Repackaging >Re-branding >Reducing price
What is advertising? The process of drawing attention to a product, brand or company. The purpose is to inform customers and persuade them to purchase the product.
What are the methods of advertising? >TV >Magazines and newspapers >Internet and social media >Cinema >Billboards and posters >Radio
What is a sales promotion? A short term incentive that is used to encourage customers to purchase a good or service.
Examples of sales promotions. >Sales/ price reductions/ discounts >Loss leaders >Competitions >Money back/ money off coupons >Free gifts
What is the channel of distribution? The method used to get goods and services to a location where consumers can purchase them.
What are three main channels of distribution? 1. Manufacturer to consumer 2. Manufacturer to retailer to consumer 3. Manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer
What does your choice of distribution channel depend on? >Cost of channel >Speed with which goods reach customer >Geographical coverage of channel >Reliablity of channel
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